UGX(U-Global Express) Shipping Fees and
Shipping Fees Schedule
East Asia | South-East Asia | West Asia | Oceania | Europe1 | Europe2 | North America | |
0.5kg | ¥4,600 | ¥5,100 | ¥5,200 | ¥6,800 | ¥7,000 | ¥7,700 | ¥6,900 |
1.0kg | ¥5,150 | ¥5,800 | ¥6,200 | ¥7,600 | ¥8,100 | ¥8,950 | ¥8,050 |
1.5kg | ¥5,700 | ¥6,500 | ¥7,200 | ¥8,400 | ¥9,200 | ¥10,200 | ¥9,200 |
2.0kg | ¥6,250 | ¥7,200 | ¥8,200 | ¥9,200 | ¥10,300 | ¥11,450 | ¥10,350 |
2.5kg | ¥6,800 | ¥7,900 | ¥9,200 | ¥10,000 | ¥11,400 | ¥12,700 | ¥11,500 |
3.0kg | ¥7,350 | ¥8,600 | ¥10,200 | ¥10,800 | ¥12,500 | ¥13,950 | ¥12,650 |
3.5kg | ¥7,900 | ¥9,300 | ¥11,200 | ¥11,600 | ¥13,600 | ¥15,200 | ¥13,800 |
4.0kg | ¥8,450 | ¥10,000 | ¥12,200 | ¥12,400 | ¥14,700 | ¥16,450 | ¥14,950 |
4.5kg | ¥9,000 | ¥10,700 | ¥13,200 | ¥13,200 | ¥15,800 | ¥17,700 | ¥16,100 |
5.0kg | ¥9,550 | ¥11,400 | ¥14,200 | ¥14,000 | ¥16,900 | ¥18,950 | ¥17,250 |
5.5kg | ¥10,100 | ¥12,100 | ¥15,200 | ¥14,800 | ¥18,000 | ¥20,200 | ¥18,400 |
6.0kg | ¥10,650 | ¥12,800 | ¥16,200 | ¥15,600 | ¥19,100 | ¥21,450 | ¥19,550 |
6.5kg | ¥11,200 | ¥13,500 | ¥17,200 | ¥16,400 | ¥20,200 | ¥22,700 | ¥20,700 |
7.0kg | ¥11,750 | ¥14,200 | ¥18,200 | ¥17,200 | ¥21,300 | ¥23,950 | ¥21,850 |
7.5kg | ¥12,300 | ¥14,900 | ¥19,200 | ¥18,000 | ¥22,400 | ¥25,200 | ¥23,000 |
8.0kg | ¥12,850 | ¥15,600 | ¥20,200 | ¥18,800 | ¥23,500 | ¥26,450 | ¥24,150 |
8.5kg | ¥13,400 | ¥16,300 | ¥21,200 | ¥19,600 | ¥24,600 | ¥27,700 | ¥25,300 |
9.0kg | ¥13,950 | ¥17,000 | ¥22,200 | ¥20,400 | ¥25,700 | ¥28,950 | ¥26,450 |
9.5kg | ¥14,500 | ¥17,700 | ¥23,200 | ¥21,200 | ¥26,800 | ¥30,200 | ¥27,600 |
10.0kg | ¥15,050 | ¥18,400 | ¥24,200 | ¥22,000 | ¥27,900 | ¥31,450 | ¥28,750 |
10.5kg | ¥15,650 | ¥19,150 | ¥25,250 | ¥22,850 | ¥29,050 | ¥32,750 | ¥29,950 |
11.0kg | ¥16,250 | ¥19,900 | ¥26,300 | ¥23,700 | ¥30,200 | ¥34,050 | ¥31,150 |
11.5kg | ¥16,850 | ¥20,650 | ¥27,350 | ¥24,550 | ¥31,350 | ¥35,350 | ¥32,350 |
12.0kg | ¥17,450 | ¥21,400 | ¥28,400 | ¥25,400 | ¥32,500 | ¥36,650 | ¥33,550 |
12.5kg | ¥18,050 | ¥22,150 | ¥29,450 | ¥26,250 | ¥33,650 | ¥37,950 | ¥34,750 |
13.0kg | ¥18,650 | ¥22,900 | ¥30,500 | ¥27,100 | ¥34,800 | ¥39,250 | ¥35,950 |
13.5kg | ¥19,250 | ¥23,650 | ¥31,550 | ¥27,950 | ¥35,950 | ¥40,550 | ¥37,150 |
14.0kg | ¥19,850 | ¥24,400 | ¥32,600 | ¥28,800 | ¥37,100 | ¥41,850 | ¥38,350 |
14.5kg | ¥20,450 | ¥25,150 | ¥33,650 | ¥29,650 | ¥38,250 | ¥43,150 | ¥39,550 |
15.0kg | ¥21,050 | ¥25,900 | ¥34,700 | ¥30,500 | ¥39,400 | ¥44,450 | ¥40,750 |
15.5kg | ¥21,650 | ¥26,650 | ¥35,750 | ¥31,350 | ¥40,550 | ¥45,750 | ¥41,950 |
16.0kg | ¥22,250 | ¥27,400 | ¥36,800 | ¥32,200 | ¥41,700 | ¥47,050 | ¥43,150 |
16.5kg | ¥22,850 | ¥28,150 | ¥37,850 | ¥33,050 | ¥42,850 | ¥48,350 | ¥44,350 |
17.0kg | ¥23,450 | ¥28,900 | ¥38,900 | ¥33,900 | ¥44,000 | ¥49,650 | ¥45,550 |
17.5kg | ¥24,050 | ¥29,650 | ¥39,950 | ¥34,750 | ¥45,150 | ¥50,950 | ¥46,750 |
18.0kg | ¥24,650 | ¥30,400 | ¥41,000 | ¥35,600 | ¥46,300 | ¥52,250 | ¥47,950 |
18.5kg | ¥25,250 | ¥31,150 | ¥42,050 | ¥36,450 | ¥47,450 | ¥53,550 | ¥49,150 |
19.0kg | ¥25,850 | ¥31,900 | ¥43,100 | ¥37,300 | ¥48,600 | ¥54,850 | ¥50,350 |
19.5kg | ¥26,450 | ¥32,650 | ¥44,150 | ¥38,150 | ¥49,750 | ¥56,150 | ¥51,550 |
20.0kg | ¥27,050 | ¥33,400 | ¥45,200 | ¥39,000 | ¥50,900 | ¥57,450 | ¥52,750 |
20.5kg | ¥27,650 | ¥34,150 | ¥46,250 | ¥39,850 | ¥52,050 | ¥58,750 | ¥53,950 |
21.0kg | ¥28,250 | ¥34,900 | ¥47,300 | ¥40,700 | ¥53,200 | ¥60,050 | ¥55,150 |
21.5kg | ¥28,850 | ¥35,650 | ¥48,350 | ¥41,550 | ¥54,350 | ¥61,350 | ¥56,350 |
22.0kg | ¥29,450 | ¥36,400 | ¥49,400 | ¥42,400 | ¥55,500 | ¥62,650 | ¥57,550 |
22.5kg | ¥30,050 | ¥37,150 | ¥50,450 | ¥43,250 | ¥56,650 | ¥63,950 | ¥58,750 |
23.0kg | ¥30,650 | ¥37,900 | ¥51,500 | ¥44,100 | ¥57,800 | ¥65,250 | ¥59,950 |
23.5kg | ¥31,250 | ¥38,650 | ¥52,550 | ¥44,950 | ¥58,950 | ¥66,550 | ¥61,150 |
24.0kg | ¥31,850 | ¥39,400 | ¥53,600 | ¥45,800 | ¥60,100 | ¥67,850 | ¥62,350 |
24.5kg | ¥32,450 | ¥40,150 | ¥54,650 | ¥46,650 | ¥61,250 | ¥69,150 | ¥63,550 |
25.0kg | ¥33,050 | ¥40,900 | ¥55,700 | ¥47,500 | ¥62,400 | ¥70,450 | ¥64,750 |
25.5kg | ¥33,650 | ¥41,650 | ¥56,750 | ¥48,350 | ¥63,550 | ¥71,750 | ¥65,950 |
26.0kg | ¥34,250 | ¥42,400 | ¥57,800 | ¥49,200 | ¥64,700 | ¥73,050 | ¥67,150 |
26.5kg | ¥34,850 | ¥43,150 | ¥58,850 | ¥50,050 | ¥65,850 | ¥74,350 | ¥68,350 |
27.0kg | ¥35,450 | ¥43,900 | ¥59,900 | ¥50,900 | ¥67,000 | ¥75,650 | ¥69,550 |
27.5kg | ¥36,050 | ¥44,650 | ¥60,950 | ¥51,750 | ¥68,150 | ¥76,950 | ¥70,750 |
28.0kg | ¥36,650 | ¥45,400 | ¥62,000 | ¥52,600 | ¥69,300 | ¥78,250 | ¥71,950 |
28.5kg | ¥37,250 | ¥46,150 | ¥63,050 | ¥53,450 | ¥70,450 | ¥79,550 | ¥73,150 |
29.0kg | ¥37,850 | ¥46,900 | ¥64,100 | ¥54,300 | ¥71,600 | ¥80,850 | ¥74,350 |
29.5kg | ¥38,450 | ¥47,650 | ¥65,150 | ¥55,150 | ¥72,750 | ¥82,150 | ¥75,550 |
30.0kg | ¥39,050 | ¥48,400 | ¥66,200 | ¥56,000 | ¥73,900 | ¥83,450 | ¥76,750 |
31.0kg | ¥46,150 | ¥55,850 | ¥74,150 | ¥63,600 | ¥81,900 | ¥91,950 | ¥84,800 |
Each subsequent 1kg increased by ¥1,100 |
Each subsequent 1kg increased by ¥1,450 |
Each subsequent 1kg increased by ¥1,950 |
Each subsequent 1kg increased by ¥1,600 |
Each subsequent 1kg increased by ¥2,000 |
Each subsequent 1kg increased by ¥2,500 |
Each subsequent 1kg increased by ¥2,050 |
Charges Schedule
Type of Charges | Amount | ||
Handling Commission |
Reclamation request and forwarding request fee | Cargo is not yet prepared for shipment at the shipping office. | Free |
Cargo is prepared for shipment at the shipping office. | 680 yen | ||
Return fee | Cargo is not yet prepared for shipment at the shipping office. | Free | |
Cargo shipment preparation at the shipping office is finalized, but the export procedures are not yet complete. | Actual expenses for domestic transportation | ||
Cargo has arrived to the destination country. | Full shipment fee (as specified in shipping and other charges fees schedule) for sending an item to the country from where it was initially dispatched. | ||
Forwarding fee | 1,200 yen | ||
Disposal fee | Actual costs | ||
Storage fee | Actual costs | ||
Customs advance fee | 1,200 yen or 3% of the customs duty imposed on cargo at the destination country, whichever is higher. | ||
Ad valorem declared freight value | Free if the amount of declared freight value is under 10,000 yen. If the amount is over 10,000 yen, the charge is calculated by adding 50 yen per each 10,000 yen. |
Note Storage Fee
Please note that if the item cannot be delivered to the addressee in the country of destination, it may be stored at the delivering office, which may result in extra charges.
Weight Measuring Method
For the purpose of shipping fee calculation, we measure cubic capacity and weight of the package using special measuring machine at the time of shipment. If there is a discrepancy between our measurements of cubic capacity and weight and the ones that you provided in the waybill, we will calculate the shipping fee based on our measured values.
The heavier between the volume weight and the actual weight will be applied for the calculation of the shipping fee.
・ Volume weight: weight converted to 1kg per 5,000cm3 of cubic capacity of the package
・ Actual weight: actual weight of the package (including packing and accompanying documents)
Reference Volume weight calculation method

- Calculation method:
Volume weight (kg) =
length (cm)× side (cm) ×height(cm) ÷5,000 (cm3/kg) - Calculation example:
Size (length 45cm×side 55cm×height 65cm), actual weight of the package is 15kg.
Volume weight is 45×55×65÷5,000=32.175kg.
Shipping fee is calculated for 32.5 kg.
We will suggest the service you will need.