

International Mail

Japanese-English/Chinese-English translations of item names, examples of HS codes and subcodes.

This page shows the English and Chinese translations of the names of major content items and examples of the HS codes for such items.
Japanese-English / Chinese-English translation of item names
Describe item names in a specific manner when indicating them on labels, customs declaration forms, etc.
The listed translations are only examples. It is not necessary to describe items exactly as shown here.
We may not be able to send some items depending on the recipient country or due to laws/regulations/agreements, etc., even if they are on the list.
What is the HS code?
The HS code is a code adopted for the purpose of unifying names and classes of goods traded internationally. For details, please see this web page.
Notes on “examples of the HS Codes and sub codes”
In the "examples of HS codes and subcodes" field, 10-digit codes are shown only as examples, with the subdivision numbers that EU member countries add to HS codes.
For 10-digit codes in this field, the first 6 digits correspond to HS codes, the first 8 digits CN codes, and the full 10 digits TARIC codes.
HS code example image
In the EU, the type of code required varies from country to country. As long as the code up to the required digits is correct, the full 10-digit TARIC code does not need to be sent.
Please click here for information on the codes required by the EU member countries.
If you would like to find HS codes for items not listed on this page, or if you would like to find more detailed information, please visit the TARIC code search web site provided by the European Commission.
It is the responsibility of the sender to declare the HS code to the customs authority of the destination country. Therefore, we are not able to determine the HS code on your behalf.
This list has been made with great care, but we do not guarantee the completeness, accuracy, effectiveness and credibility of the contents.
We do not assume any responsibility for any inconvenience that may result from the use of the examples of HS codes and sub-codes on this page, such as delays in customs clearance, return of mail items or payment of excessive customs duties by the recipient due to a determination by the customs authorities of destination countries.
It is also noted that the contents of this list are just as of the date of publication and they may be modified or deleted without advance notice.
We do not assume any responsibility for any damage that may result from incorrect information due to the passage of time or changes in the list such as the addition, modification or deletion of contents.
*Enter in Japanese, Chinese or English.
*It is also available to search by HS codes.
Search result
※Examples of HS codes and sub codes
  • 10 digits for Ireland
  • Upper 8 digits for France, Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique and Reunion
  • Upper 6 digits for other countries
  Japanese Chinese English
※Examples of HS codes and sub codes
  • 10 digits for Ireland
  • Upper 8 digits for France, Guadeloupe, French Guiana, Martinique and Reunion
  • Upper 6 digits for other countries
Japaneseアーモンド Chinese杏仁 EnglishAlmond Examples of HS codes and sub codes0802129000
Japaneseアーモンドミルク Chinese杏仁奶 EnglishAlmond Milk Examples of HS codes and sub codes2009899999
JapaneseIHコンロ ChineseIH电磁炉 EnglishIH cooking heater Examples of HS codes and sub codes8516609000
Japaneseアイシャドウ Chinese眼影 EnglishEyeshadow Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304200000
Japaneseアイブロウペンシル Chinese眉笔 EnglishEyebrow Pencil Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304200000
Japaneseアイマスク Chinese眼罩 EnglishEye Mask Examples of HS codes and sub codes6307909899
Japaneseアイライナー Chinese眼线笔 EnglishEyeliner Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304200000
Japaneseアイラッシュカーラー Chinese睫毛夹 EnglishEyelash Curler Examples of HS codes and sub codes9615900000
Japaneseアイロン Chinese熨斗 EnglishClothing Iron Examples of HS codes and sub codes8451300000
Japanese青汁(糖が添加されているもの) Chinese青汁(含糖食品) EnglishGreen Juice (Containing added sugar) Examples of HS codes and sub codes2009905180
Japanese青汁(糖が添加されていないもの) Chinese青汁(不含糖食品) EnglishGreen Juice (Not containing added sugar) Examples of HS codes and sub codes2009905990
Japanese青のり Chinese青海苔 EnglishGreen Laver Examples of HS codes and sub codes1212210000
Japaneseアクリルスタンド Chinese亚克力立牌 EnglishAcrylic Stand Figure Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503002190
Japaneseアコースティックギター Chinese原声吉他 EnglishAcoustic Guitar Examples of HS codes and sub codes9202903000
Japaneseあずき Chinese红豆 EnglishRed Bean Examples of HS codes and sub codes0713320000
Japaneseアスピリン Chinese阿司匹林 EnglishAspirin Examples of HS codes and sub codes3004900000
Japaneseアダプター Chinese适配器 EnglishAdapter Examples of HS codes and sub codes8471900000
Japanese圧縮バッグ Chinese压缩袋 EnglishCompression bag Examples of HS codes and sub codes4202929890
Japanese油絵具 Chinese油画颜料 EnglishOil Color Examples of HS codes and sub codes3213100000
Japanese甘栗 Chinese甘栗 EnglishBaked Chestnut Examples of HS codes and sub codes2008199980
Japanese編針 Chinese织针 EnglishKnitting Needles Examples of HS codes and sub codes7319901000
Japanese Chinese糖果 EnglishCandy Examples of HS codes and sub codes1704909919
Japaneseあられ Chinese膨化米花 EnglishRice Cracker Examples of HS codes and sub codes1904103000
Japaneseアルコールティッシュ Chinese酒精湿巾 EnglishAlcohol Tissue Examples of HS codes and sub codes3808949090
Japaneseアルコール度数〇% Chinese酒精度数〇% EnglishAlcohol 〇% Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japaneseアルコール度数〇%以下 Chinese酒精度数〇%以下 EnglishAlcohol Equal To Or Less Than 〇% Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japaneseアルコール度数〇%未満 Chinese酒精度数未满〇% EnglishAlcohol Less Than 〇% Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japaneseアルコールなし Chinese无酒精 EnglishNo Alcohol Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japaneseアルバム Chinese影集 EnglishAlbum Examples of HS codes and sub codes4820500000
Japaneseアルミホイル Chinese铝箔 EnglishAluminum Foil Examples of HS codes and sub codes7615108090
Japanese泡盛 Chinese泡盛 EnglishAwamori Liquor Examples of HS codes and sub codes2208905600
Japaneseあんこ Chinese豆馅 EnglishSweet Bean Paste Examples of HS codes and sub codes1704907100
Japanese安全ピン Chinese安全别针 EnglishSafety Pin Examples of HS codes and sub codes7319400000
Japaneseアンプ Chinese放大器 EnglishAmplifier Examples of HS codes and sub codes8518500090
Japanese胃薬 Chinese胃药 EnglishStomach Medicine Examples of HS codes and sub codes3004900000
Japanese遺骨 Chinese骨灰 EnglishAshes Examples of HS codes and sub codes9919000040
Japanese胃腸薬 Chinese肠胃药 EnglishDigestive Medicine Examples of HS codes and sub codes3004900000
Japanese一輪車 Chinese独轮车 EnglishUnicycle Examples of HS codes and sub codes8712007010
Japanese位牌 Chinese牌位 EnglishMortuary Tablet Examples of HS codes and sub codes9702900090
Japanese芋けんぴ Chinese炸红薯条 EnglishSweet Potato Snack Examples of HS codes and sub codes2008996799
Japaneseイヤホン Chinese耳机 EnglishEarphone Examples of HS codes and sub codes8518300090
Japaneseイヤリング Chinese耳环 EnglishEarring Examples of HS codes and sub codes7117900000
Japanese色鉛筆 Chinese彩色铅笔 EnglishColor Pencil Examples of HS codes and sub codes9609109000
Japanese引火点〇〇℃超 Chinese闪火点超过〇〇℃ EnglishIgnition Point over 〇〇℃ Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japaneseインク Chinese墨水 EnglishInk Examples of HS codes and sub codes3215907090
Japaneseインスタントカメラ Chinese即时成像相机 EnglishInstant Camera Examples of HS codes and sub codes9006400000
Japaneseインスタントカレー Chinese速食咖喱 EnglishInstant Curry Examples of HS codes and sub codes2106909855
Japaneseインスタントコーヒー Chinese速溶咖啡 EnglishInstant Coffee Examples of HS codes and sub codes0901210000
Japaneseインスタントスープ Chinese速溶汤 EnglishInstant Soup Examples of HS codes and sub codes2104100089
Japaneseインスタントティー Chinese速溶茶 EnglishInstant Tea Examples of HS codes and sub codes0902300000
Japaneseインスタント麺 Chinese方便面 EnglishInstant Noodle Examples of HS codes and sub codes1902301030
Japaneseインソール(中敷き) Chinese鞋垫 EnglishInsoles Examples of HS codes and sub codes6406909090
Japaneseウーロン茶 Chinese乌龙茶 EnglishOolong Tea Examples of HS codes and sub codes0902400000
Japaneseウィッグ Chinese假发 EnglishWig Examples of HS codes and sub codes6704190000
Japaneseウエストポーチ Chinese腰包 EnglishWaist Pouch Examples of HS codes and sub codes4202290000
Japaneseウェットスーツ Chinese潜水服 EnglishWetsuit Examples of HS codes and sub codes6113009000
Japaneseウェットティッシュ Chinese湿纸巾 EnglishWet Wipes Examples of HS codes and sub codes3401190000
Japaneseウエハース(一般的なもの) Chinese威化饼干 EnglishWafer Examples of HS codes and sub codes1905329900
Japaneseウエハース(チョコレートで覆われているもの) Chinese威化饼干(以巧克力包覆食品) EnglishWafer (Covered with chocolate) Examples of HS codes and sub codes1905321900
Japaneseウォッカ Chinese伏特加 EnglishVodka Examples of HS codes and sub codes2208601100
Japanese浮き(釣具) Chinese鱼漂 EnglishFloat Examples of HS codes and sub codes9507900000
Japanese浮き輪 Chinese游泳圈 EnglishFloat Examples of HS codes and sub codes9506290000
Japaneseうちわ Chinese团扇 EnglishRound Fan Examples of HS codes and sub codes4421910000
Japanese腕時計 Chinese手表 EnglishWrist Watch Examples of HS codes and sub codes9102990000
Japaneseうどん Chinese乌冬面 EnglishWheat Noodle Examples of HS codes and sub codes1902199090
Japaneseうに Chinese海胆 EnglishSea Urchin Egg Examples of HS codes and sub codes0308210000
Japanese梅干し Chinese梅干 EnglishPickled Plum Examples of HS codes and sub codes2008997880
Japanese羽毛布団 Chinese羽绒被 EnglishDown quilt Examples of HS codes and sub codes9404401000
Japanese Chinese绘画 EnglishPicture Examples of HS codes and sub codes9701990000
JapaneseACアダプタ ChineseAC适配器 EnglishAC-Adapter Examples of HS codes and sub codes8504409090
JapaneseHDD Chinese机械硬盘 EnglishHDD Examples of HS codes and sub codes8471705000
Japaneseえいひれ Chinese鳐鱼鳍干 EnglishRay fin Examples of HS codes and sub codes0305790049
Japanese栄養剤 Chinese营养补充剂 EnglishNourishment Examples of HS codes and sub codes2106909855
Japanese液体石けん Chinese液体肥皂 EnglishLiquid Soap Examples of HS codes and sub codes3401300000
Japanese液体ミルク Chinese液态奶 EnglishLiquid Baby Formula Examples of HS codes and sub codes1901100000
JapaneseSSD Chinese固态硬盘 EnglishSSD Examples of HS codes and sub codes8523519000
JapaneseSDカード ChineseSD卡 EnglishSD card Examples of HS codes and sub codes8523519000
Japanese絵具 Chinese颜料 EnglishPainting Color Examples of HS codes and sub codes3213900000
Japaneseエフェクター Chinese效果器 EnglishEffector Examples of HS codes and sub codes9209920000
Japaneseエプロン(綿) Chinese围裙(棉) EnglishApron (cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211421000
Japaneseエプロン(人造繊維) Chinese围裙(人造纤维) EnglishApron (man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211431000
Japanese絵本 Chinese绘本 EnglishPicture Book Examples of HS codes and sub codes4903000000
JapaneseLEDライト ChineseLED灯 EnglishLED light Examples of HS codes and sub codes9405423990
JapaneseLPレコード Chinese黑胶唱片 EnglishLP Record Examples of HS codes and sub codes8523809000
Japaneseエレキギター Chinese电吉他 EnglishElectronic Guitar Examples of HS codes and sub codes9207901000
Japaneseエレキベース Chinese电贝司 EnglishElectronic Bass Examples of HS codes and sub codes9207909000
Japanese鉛筆 Chinese铅笔 EnglishPencil Examples of HS codes and sub codes9609109000
Japanese鉛筆削り Chinese卷笔刀 EnglishPencil Sharpener Examples of HS codes and sub codes8214100000
Japaneseエンブレム Chinese徽章 EnglishEmblem Examples of HS codes and sub codes8306290000
Japaneseオーツミルク Chinese燕麦奶 EnglishOats Milk Examples of HS codes and sub codes1901909100
Japaneseオーナメント(プラスチック製) Chinese装饰品(塑料制) EnglishOrnament (plastic) Examples of HS codes and sub codes3926400000
Japaneseオーブン Chinese烤箱 EnglishOven Examples of HS codes and sub codes8417209000
Japaneseオイルヒーター Chinese煤油取暖器 EnglishOil heater Examples of HS codes and sub codes8516291000
Japaneseオイルフィルター(自動車) Chinese机油滤清器(汽车・摩托车用品) EnglishVehicle oil filter Examples of HS codes and sub codes8421230090
Japaneseおかき Chinese米饼 EnglishRice Cracker Examples of HS codes and sub codes1904103000
Japanese置時計 Chinese座钟 EnglishClock Examples of HS codes and sub codes9105190000
Japanese置物(プラスチック製) Chinese装饰品(塑料制) EnglishOrnament (plastic) Examples of HS codes and sub codes3926400000
Japanese置物(木製) Chinese装饰品(木制) EnglishOrnament (wood) Examples of HS codes and sub codes4420190000
Japanese置物(陶磁器製) Chinese装饰品(陶瓷制) EnglishOrnament (ceramic) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6913901090
Japaneseオクトパス(ダイビング用品) Chinese备用调节器(潜水用品) EnglishScuba diving octopus Examples of HS codes and sub codes9020009099
Japaneseおくるみ Chinese襁褓 EnglishSwaddle Examples of HS codes and sub codes6111909090
Japaneseお香 Chinese EnglishIncense Examples of HS codes and sub codes3307490090
Japaneseおしりふき Chinese婴儿湿巾 EnglishBaby Wipes Examples of HS codes and sub codes4818909000
Japaneseおしろい Chinese粉饼 EnglishFace Powder Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304910000
Japaneseおたま Chinese长柄大勺 EnglishLadle Examples of HS codes and sub codes3924100011
Japaneseお茶漬け Chinese茶泡饭 EnglishOchazuke Examples of HS codes and sub codes2104100089
Japaneseおちょこ Chinese猪口杯(日式酒盅) EnglishCup Examples of HS codes and sub codes6912002111
Japaneseお手玉 Chinese沙包 EnglishJuggling Ball Examples of HS codes and sub codes9506699000
Japanese Chinese和服带 EnglishBelt Examples of HS codes and sub codes6107910000
Japaneseおふだ Chinese护符 EnglishTalisman Examples of HS codes and sub codes4911990000
Japaneseお守り Chinese护身符 EnglishTalisman Examples of HS codes and sub codes5212111090
Japaneseおむつ Chinese纸尿裤 EnglishDiaper Examples of HS codes and sub codes9619008900
Japaneseおもり Chinese沉子 EnglishWeight Examples of HS codes and sub codes9507900000
Japanese折り紙 Chinese折纸 EnglishOrigami Paper Examples of HS codes and sub codes4823908580
Japanese折りたたみ傘 Chinese折叠伞 EnglishFolding Umbrella Examples of HS codes and sub codes6601910000
Japanese織物(絹) Chinese纺织品(丝绸) EnglishTextile Fabric (silk) Examples of HS codes and sub codes5007901090
Japanese織物(羊毛等) Chinese纺织品(羊毛等) EnglishTextile Fabric (wool and others) Examples of HS codes and sub codes5111909100
Japanese織物(綿) Chinese纺织品(棉) EnglishTextile Fabric (cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes5212119090
Japanese織物(人造繊維) Chinese纺织品(人造纤维) EnglishTextile Fabric (man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes5516910000
Japaneseオルゴール Chinese八音盒 EnglishMusic Box Examples of HS codes and sub codes9208100000
Japaneseオルタネーター(自動車) Chinese交流发电机 EnglishVehicle alternator Examples of HS codes and sub codes8511900090
Japaneseお椀 Chinese EnglishBowl Examples of HS codes and sub codes4419900000
Japanese音楽プレーヤー Chinese音乐播放器 EnglishMusic Player Examples of HS codes and sub codes8527910000
Japanese温度計 Chinese温度计 EnglishThermometer Examples of HS codes and sub codes9025190090
Japaneseガーゼハンカチ Chinese纱布手帕 EnglishGauze handkerchief Examples of HS codes and sub codes6302910090
Japaneseカーディガン(男性用 羊毛) Chinese开襟衫(男式 羊毛) EnglishCardigan (for men, wool) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110113000
Japaneseカーディガン(男性用 カシミヤ毛) Chinese开襟衫(男式 羊绒毛) EnglishCardigan (for men, cashmere) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110121090
Japaneseカーディガン(男性用 綿) Chinese开襟衫(男式 棉) EnglishCardigan (for men, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110209100
Japaneseカーディガン(男性用 人造繊維) Chinese开襟衫(男式 人造纤维) EnglishCardigan (for men, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110309100
Japaneseカーディガン(男性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese开襟衫(男式 其他纤维材料) EnglishCardigan (for men, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110909090
Japaneseカーディガン(女性用 羊毛) Chinese开襟衫(女式 羊毛) EnglishCardigan (for women, wool) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110119000
Japaneseカーディガン(女性用 カシミヤ毛) Chinese开襟衫(女式 羊绒毛) EnglishCardigan (for women, cashmere) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110129090
Japaneseカーディガン(女性用 綿) Chinese开襟衫(女式 棉) EnglishCardigan (for women, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110209900
Japaneseカーディガン(女性用 人造繊維) Chinese开襟衫(女式 人造纤维) EnglishCardigan (for women, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110309900
Japaneseカーディガン(女性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese开襟衫(女式 其他纤维材料) EnglishCardigan (for women, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110909090
Japaneseカーテン(合成繊維) Chinese窗帘(合成纤维) EnglishCurtain (synthetic fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6303929090
Japaneseカーテン(綿) Chinese窗帘(棉) EnglishCurtain (cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6303910099
Japaneseカーテン(羊毛) Chinese窗帘(羊毛) EnglishCurtain (wool) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6303999039
Japaneseカーテン(その他) Chinese窗帘(其他材料) EnglishCurtain (other) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6303999090
Japaneseカード Chinese卡片 EnglishCard Examples of HS codes and sub codes9504400000
Japaneseカードケース Chinese卡盒 EnglishCard Case Examples of HS codes and sub codes9504908000
Japaneseカードゲーム Chinese纸牌游戏 EnglishPlaying Card Examples of HS codes and sub codes9504400000
Japaneseカードスリーブ Chinese卡套 EnglishCard Sleeve Examples of HS codes and sub codes9504908000
Japaneseカーナビ Chinese汽车导航仪 EnglishCar Navigation Devices Examples of HS codes and sub codes8527219800
Japaneseカーペット Chinese地毯 EnglishCarpet Examples of HS codes and sub codes5703908090
Japanese貝細工 Chinese贝壳装饰品 EnglishShell Work Examples of HS codes and sub codes9601100010
Japanese懐中電灯 Chinese手电筒 EnglishFlashlight Examples of HS codes and sub codes8513100000
Japaneseガイドブック Chinese指南书 EnglishGuidebook Examples of HS codes and sub codes4901990000
Japanese貝柱 Chinese贝柱 EnglishScallops Examples of HS codes and sub codes0307299090
Japanese会報 Chinese会报 EnglishNewsletter Examples of HS codes and sub codes4902900000
Japaneseカイロ(使い捨て) Chinese一次性暖宝宝 EnglishDisposable Heat Pad Examples of HS codes and sub codes3824999699
Japanese替え芯(ボールペン用) Chinese替芯 EnglishPen rifill Examples of HS codes and sub codes9608600000
Japanese Chinese镜子 EnglishMirror Examples of HS codes and sub codes7009920000
Japanese Chinese钥匙 EnglishKey Examples of HS codes and sub codes8301401900
Japanese楽譜 Chinese乐谱 EnglishMusic Score Examples of HS codes and sub codes4904000000
Japanese額縁 Chinese画框 EnglishPicture Frame Examples of HS codes and sub codes4414900000
Japanese掛け軸 Chinese画轴 EnglishScroll Painting Examples of HS codes and sub codes9701910000
Japanese掛時計 Chinese挂钟 EnglishWall Clock Examples of HS codes and sub codes9105290000
Japanese Chinese EnglishUmbrella Examples of HS codes and sub codes6601999000
Japanese加湿器 Chinese加湿器 EnglishHumidifier Examples of HS codes and sub codes8516108000
Japaneseカシューナッツ Chinese腰果 EnglishCashewnut Examples of HS codes and sub codes0801310000
Japanese画集 Chinese画册 EnglishArt Book Examples of HS codes and sub codes4901990000
Japaneseガスケット(自動車) Chinese垫圈 EnglishVehicle gasket Examples of HS codes and sub codes4016930090
Japaneseカステラ Chinese长崎蛋糕 EnglishSponge Cake Examples of HS codes and sub codes1905908000
Japaneseガスなし Chinese无瓦斯 EnglishNo Gas Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japanese風邪薬 Chinese感冒药 EnglishMedicine for Cold Examples of HS codes and sub codes3004900000
Japaneseカセットテープ Chinese盒式磁带 EnglishCassette Tape Examples of HS codes and sub codes8523291900
Japaneseカセットプレーヤー Chinese盒式播放机 EnglishCassette Player (portable) Examples of HS codes and sub codes8527120000
Japanese片栗粉 Chinese马铃薯淀粉 EnglishPotato Starch Examples of HS codes and sub codes1108130000
Japaneseカタログ Chinese目录簿 EnglishCatalog Examples of HS codes and sub codes4911101000
Japaneseカチューシャ Chinese发箍 EnglishHeadband Examples of HS codes and sub codes9615190000
Japaneseかつお節 Chinese柴鱼花 EnglishDried Bonito Examples of HS codes and sub codes1604207055
Japanese学会誌 Chinese学报 EnglishAcademic Journal Examples of HS codes and sub codes4902900000
Japanese楽器(おもちゃ) Chinese乐器玩具 EnglishMusical Toy Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503005590
Japaneseかっさ Chinese刮痧 EnglishMassage Plate Examples of HS codes and sub codes3924900090
Japaneseカッターナイフ Chinese美工刀 EnglishCutter knife Examples of HS codes and sub codes8211930000
Japaneseカップ麺 Chinese杯面 EnglishInstant Cup Noodle Examples of HS codes and sub codes1902301030
Japanese割烹着(綿) Chinese割烹着(日式罩衣)(棉) EnglishApron (cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211421000
Japanese割烹着(人造繊維) Chinese割烹着(日式罩衣)(人造纤维) EnglishApron (man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211431000
Japaneseカトラリー Chinese西方餐具 EnglishCutlery Examples of HS codes and sub codes8215201000
Japanese蚊取り線香 Chinese蚊香 EnglishMosquito coil Examples of HS codes and sub codes3808919090
Japanese可燃性物質なし Chinese无可燃物质 EnglishWithout Flammable Material Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japanese画鋲 Chinese图钉 EnglishPushpin (thumbtack) Examples of HS codes and sub codes7317008000
Japanese花瓶 Chinese花瓶 EnglishVase Examples of HS codes and sub codes6914100000
Japanese Chinese头盔 EnglishJapanese Helmet Examples of HS codes and sub codes6506999000
Japanese蒲鉾 Chinese鱼糕 EnglishKamaboko Examples of HS codes and sub codes0304941090
Japaneseカマンベールチーズ Chinese卡门贝尔奶酪 EnglishCamembert cheese Examples of HS codes and sub codes0406908200
Japanese紙コップ Chinese纸杯 EnglishPaper cup Examples of HS codes and sub codes4823699000
Japanese紙製の Chinese纸制 EnglishPaper Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japaneseかみそり Chinese剃须刀 EnglishRazor Examples of HS codes and sub codes8212109000
Japanese紙袋 Chinese纸袋 EnglishPaper Bag Examples of HS codes and sub codes4819400000
Japanese紙皿 Chinese纸盘 EnglishPaper plate Examples of HS codes and sub codes4823691000
Japaneseガム Chinese口香糖 EnglishGum Examples of HS codes and sub codes1704101000
Japaneseカメラ Chinese照相机 EnglishCamera Examples of HS codes and sub codes9006590000
Japanese蚊帳 Chinese蚊帐 EnglishMosquito Net Examples of HS codes and sub codes6304200000
Japaneseカラーコンタクト Chinese美瞳 EnglishColored Contact Lenses Examples of HS codes and sub codes9001300000
Japaneseからし Chinese黄芥末酱 EnglishMustard Examples of HS codes and sub codes2103309010
Japaneseガラス製の Chinese玻璃制 EnglishGlass Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japaneseカラビナ Chinese登山扣 EnglishCarabiner Examples of HS codes and sub codes7326909890
Japaneseかりんとう Chinese花林糖 EnglishFried Dough Cookies Examples of HS codes and sub codes1904109000
Japaneseカレー Chinese加喱 EnglishCurry Examples of HS codes and sub codes0910910500
Japaneseカレー粉 Chinese咖喱粉 EnglishCurry Powder Examples of HS codes and sub codes0910910500
Japaneseカレールー Chinese咖喱块 EnglishCurry Roux Examples of HS codes and sub codes2103909089
Japaneseカレンダー Chinese日历 EnglishCalendar Examples of HS codes and sub codes4910000000
Japanese革製の Chinese皮革制 EnglishLeather Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japanese缶切り Chinese开罐器 EnglishCan Opener Examples of HS codes and sub codes8214900000
Japaneseかんざし Chinese发簪 EnglishHairpin Examples of HS codes and sub codes9615190000
Japanese乾燥ごぼう Chinese干牛蒡 EnglishDried burdock Examples of HS codes and sub codes0712909090
Japanese乾燥わかめ Chinese干海带 EnglishDried Wakame Seaweed Examples of HS codes and sub codes1212999590
Japanese〇〇の缶詰 Chinese〇〇罐头 EnglishCanned 〇〇 Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japanese寒天 Chinese寒天 EnglishAgar Jelly Examples of HS codes and sub codes1302310000
Japanese乾電池(アルカリ) Chinese干电池(碱性) EnglishDry Cell Battery (Alkaline) Examples of HS codes and sub codes8506101100
Japanese乾電池(マンガン) Chinese干电池(碳性) EnglishDry Cell Battery (Zinc–Carbon) Examples of HS codes and sub codes8506109100
Japanese缶バッジ Chinese别针徽章 EnglishCan Badges Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503009990
Japaneseかんぴょう Chinese葫芦条 EnglishDried Gourd Shaving Examples of HS codes and sub codes2005998098
Japanese漢方薬 Chinese中药 EnglishChinese Medicine Examples of HS codes and sub codes3004900000
Japanese顔料 Chinese颜料 EnglishPigment Examples of HS codes and sub codes3206497090
Japaneseキーチェーン Chinese钥匙链 EnglishKey Chain Examples of HS codes and sub codes8308900090
Japaneseキーボード Chinese键盘 EnglishKeyboard Examples of HS codes and sub codes8471606000
Japaneseキーホルダー Chinese钥匙圈 EnglishKey Holder Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503009990
Japaneseキーリング Chinese钥匙圈 EnglishKeyring Examples of HS codes and sub codes8308900090
Japaneseキウイ Chinese猕猴桃 EnglishKiwi Examples of HS codes and sub codes0810500000
Japaneseキッチンナイフ Chinese厨房用刀 EnglishKitchen Knife Examples of HS codes and sub codes8211920000
Japanese切手 Chinese邮票 EnglishStamp Examples of HS codes and sub codes4907001000
Japaneseきなこ Chinese黄豆粉 EnglishSoybean Powder Examples of HS codes and sub codes1102909000
Japaneseきのこ Chinese蘑菇 EnglishMushroom Examples of HS codes and sub codes0709510000
Japanese着物(和服)(男性用 綿) Chinese和服(男式 棉) EnglishKimono Costume (for men, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211329000
Japanese着物(和服)(男性用 人造繊維) Chinese和服(男式 人造纤维) EnglishKimono Costume (for men, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211339000
Japanese着物(和服)(男性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese和服(男式 其他纤维材料) EnglishKimono Costume (for men, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211390090
Japanese着物(和服)(女性用 綿) Chinese和服(女式 棉) EnglishKimono Costume (for women, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211429000
Japanese着物(和服)(女性用 人造繊維) Chinese和服(女式 人造纤维) EnglishKimono Costume (for women, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211439000
Japanese着物(和服)(女性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese和服(女式 其他纤维材料) EnglishKimono Costume (for women, other textile materials Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211490000
Japaneseキャットフード Chinese猫粮 EnglishCat Food Examples of HS codes and sub codes2309109000
Japaneseキャップ Chinese棒球帽 EnglishCaps Examples of HS codes and sub codes6506999000
Japaneseキャラメル Chinese奶糖 EnglishCaramel Examples of HS codes and sub codes1704907500
Japaneseキャンディー Chinese糖果 EnglishCandy Examples of HS codes and sub codes1704909919
Japaneseキャンバス Chinese帆布、画布 EnglishCanvas Examples of HS codes and sub codes4911990000
Japanese急須 Chinese茶壶 EnglishTeapot Examples of HS codes and sub codes6911100090
Japanese教科書 Chinese教科书 EnglishTextbook Examples of HS codes and sub codes4901990000
Japanese強壮剤 Chinese提神饮料 EnglishTonic Medicine Examples of HS codes and sub codes3004900000
Japanese強力粉 Chinese高筋面粉 EnglishStrong Flour Examples of HS codes and sub codes1101001100
Japanese魚肉ソーセージ Chinese鱼肉肠 EnglishFish sausage Examples of HS codes and sub codes1601009190
Japanese切干大根 Chinese干萝卜丝 EnglishDried daikon radish strips Examples of HS codes and sub codes2005998098
Japanese金魚鉢 Chinese金鱼缸 EnglishGoldfish Bowl Examples of HS codes and sub codes7013990090
Japanese金属製の Chinese金属制 EnglishMetal Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japaneseきんちゃく袋 Chinese束口袋 EnglishDrawstring bag Examples of HS codes and sub codes6307901000
Japaneseクーハン Chinese摇篮 EnglishBassinet Examples of HS codes and sub codes9404909000
Japaneseクーラーボックス Chinese冷藏箱 EnglishCooler Box Examples of HS codes and sub codes4202990090
Japanese空気清浄機 Chinese空气净化器 EnglishAir Purifier Examples of HS codes and sub codes8421398590
Japaneseくし Chinese梳子 EnglishComb Examples of HS codes and sub codes9615190000
Japanese口紅 Chinese口红 EnglishLipstick Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304100000
Japaneseくつ Chinese EnglishShoes Examples of HS codes and sub codes6404199000
Japaneseクッキー(一般的なもの) Chinese饼干 EnglishCookie Examples of HS codes and sub codes1905319900
Japaneseクッキー(チョコレートで覆われているもの) Chinese饼干(以巧克力包覆食品) EnglishCookie (Covered with chocolate) Examples of HS codes and sub codes1905311900
Japaneseクッキングシート Chinese耐油纸 EnglishCooking Sheet Examples of HS codes and sub codes4806409000
Japaneseくつ下(羊毛) Chinese袜子(羊毛) EnglishSocks (wool) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6115940000
Japaneseくつ下(綿) Chinese袜子(棉) EnglishSocks (cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6115950000
Japaneseくつ下(合成繊維) Chinese袜子(合成纤维) EnglishSocks (synthetic fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6115969900
Japaneseくつ下(その他繊維素材) Chinese袜子(其他纤维材料) EnglishSocks (other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6115990000
Japaneseクッション Chinese靠垫 EnglishCushion Examples of HS codes and sub codes9404909000
Japaneseグミ Chinese软糖 EnglishGummi Candy Examples of HS codes and sub codes1704906500
Japaneseくもり止め Chinese防雾剂 EnglishAnti-Glare Examples of HS codes and sub codes3405909000
Japaneseクラッカー(食品) Chinese饼干 EnglishBiscuit Examples of HS codes and sub codes1905904500
Japaneseグラブ(野球用) Chinese手套(棒球用) EnglishBaseball Glove Examples of HS codes and sub codes9506999000
Japaneseグラフィックボード Chinese显卡 EnglishGraphic board Examples of HS codes and sub codes8471490000
Japaneseクリアファイル Chinese透明文件夹 EnglishClear file Examples of HS codes and sub codes3926100000
Japaneseクリスマスツリー Chinese圣诞树 EnglishChristmas Trees Examples of HS codes and sub codes9505109000
Japaneseクリスマスリース Chinese圣诞花环 EnglishChristmas Wreaths Examples of HS codes and sub codes9505109000
Japaneseクリップ Chinese夹子 EnglishClip Examples of HS codes and sub codes8305900000
Japaneseグルーガン Chinese胶枪 EnglishGlue Gun Examples of HS codes and sub codes8207909900
Japaneseくるみ Chinese核桃 EnglishWalnut Examples of HS codes and sub codes0802310000
Japaneseクレヨン Chinese蜡笔 EnglishCrayon Examples of HS codes and sub codes9609109000
Japaneseクレンジングオイル Chinese卸妆油 EnglishCleansing Oil Examples of HS codes and sub codes3401300000
Japaneseクレンジングクリーム Chinese卸妆膏 EnglishCleansing Cream Examples of HS codes and sub codes3401300000
Japanese〇〇の燻製 Chinese熏制〇〇 EnglishSmoked 〇〇 Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japaneseケーキ Chinese蛋糕 EnglishCake Examples of HS codes and sub codes1905908000
Japaneseケープ Chinese斗篷 EnglishCape Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211439000
Japaneseゲームカセット Chinese游戏卡带 EnglishVideo Game Cartridge Examples of HS codes and sub codes9504500000
Japaneseゲーム機 Chinese游戏机 EnglishGame Machine Examples of HS codes and sub codes9504500000
Japaneseゲームソフト Chinese游戏光盘 EnglishVideo Game Software Examples of HS codes and sub codes9504500000
Japanese携帯ゲーム機 Chinese便携式游戏机 EnglishPortable Game Machine Examples of HS codes and sub codes9504500000
Japanese毛糸 Chinese毛线 EnglishWoolen Yarn Examples of HS codes and sub codes5108109000
Japanese毛皮 Chinese皮草 EnglishFur Examples of HS codes and sub codes4303109000
Japanese下剤 Chinese泻药 EnglishLaxative Examples of HS codes and sub codes3004900000
Japanese消しゴム Chinese橡皮 EnglishEraser Examples of HS codes and sub codes4016920000
Japanese化粧落とし Chinese卸妆水 EnglishMake-Up Remover Examples of HS codes and sub codes3401300000
Japanese化粧下地 Chinese妆前乳 EnglishMakeup Primer Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304990000
Japanese化粧水 Chinese爽肤水 EnglishSkin Lotion Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304990000
Japanese下駄 Chinese木屐 EnglishWooden Clogs Examples of HS codes and sub codes6405909000
Japaneseケチャップ Chinese番茄酱 EnglishKetchup Examples of HS codes and sub codes2103200000
Japanese血圧計 Chinese血压计 EnglishBlood Pressure Meter Examples of HS codes and sub codes9018901000
Japanese毛抜き Chinese拔毛镊子 EnglishHair Extractor Examples of HS codes and sub codes7323990090
Japanese解熱剤 Chinese解热镇痛剂 EnglishAntifebrile Medicine Examples of HS codes and sub codes3004900000
Japanese下痢止め Chinese止泻药 EnglishMedicine for Diarrhea Examples of HS codes and sub codes3004900000
Japanese弦(楽器用) Chinese弦(乐器用) EnglishString (for musical instrument) Examples of HS codes and sub codes9209300000
Japanese検査キット Chinese检测试剂盒 EnglishDiagnostic Kit Examples of HS codes and sub codes3822190090
Japanese剣山 Chinese剑山 EnglishNeedle-point holder (for ikebana) Examples of HS codes and sub codes8214900000
Japaneseけん玉 Chinese剑玉 EnglishJuggling Toy Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503009910
Japaneseゴーグル Chinese护目镜 EnglishGoggles Examples of HS codes and sub codes9004909000
Japaneseコースター(布製) Chinese杯垫(布制) EnglishCoaster (fabric) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6001990090
Japaneseコースター(木製) Chinese杯垫(木制) EnglishCoaster (wood) Examples of HS codes and sub codes4419900000
Japaneseコート(男性用 人造繊維) Chinese大衣(男式 人造纤维) EnglishCoat (for men, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6101301000
Japaneseコート(男性用 羊毛) Chinese大衣(男式 羊毛) EnglishCoat (for men, wool) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6101902019
Japaneseコート(男性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese大衣(男式 其他纤维材料) EnglishCoat (for men, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6101902090
Japaneseコート(女性用 人造繊維) Chinese大衣(女式 人造纤维) EnglishCoat (for women, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6102301000
Japaneseコート(女性用 羊毛) Chinese大衣(女式 羊毛) EnglishCoat (for women, wool) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6102101090
Japaneseコート(女性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese大衣(女式 其他纤维材料) EnglishCoat (for women, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6102901000
Japaneseコーヒー Chinese咖啡 EnglishCoffee Examples of HS codes and sub codes0901210000
Japaneseコーヒー豆 Chinese咖啡豆 EnglishCoffee Beans Examples of HS codes and sub codes0901110000
Japaneseこいのぼり Chinese鲤鱼旗 EnglishKoinobori Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503009990
Japanese【原則引受不可】香水 Chinese【原则上无法受理】香水 English【Not acceptable in general】Perfume Examples of HS codes and sub codes3303001000
Japanese抗生物質 Chinese抗生素 EnglishAntibiotic Examples of HS codes and sub codes3004200000
Japanese紅茶 Chinese红茶 EnglishTea Examples of HS codes and sub codes0902300000
Japanese鋼鉄製の Chinese钢铁制 EnglishSteel Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japanese高野豆腐 Chinese冻豆腐 EnglishFreeze-Dried Bean Curd Examples of HS codes and sub codes2106909260
Japaneseココア(ショ糖類が5重量%未満の場合) Chinese可可(蔗糖含量低于重量的5%) EnglishCocoa Powder (Containing less than 5% by weight of Examples of HS codes and sub codes1806101500
Japaneseココア(ショ糖類が5~65重量%の場合) Chinese可可(蔗糖含量为重量的5~65%) EnglishCocoa Powder (Containing 5-65% by weight of sucros Examples of HS codes and sub codes1806102000
Japaneseこしょう Chinese胡椒 EnglishPepper Examples of HS codes and sub codes0904120000
Japanese個人用、自家用品 Chinese供个人、家庭使用 EnglishPersonal Use Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japaneseこたつ Chinese被炉 EnglishKotatsu Examples of HS codes and sub codes8516299900
Japaneseコットン Chinese化妆棉 EnglishCotton Examples of HS codes and sub codes4818201000
Japaneseコップ(プラスチック製) Chinese杯子(塑料制) EnglishCup (plastic) Examples of HS codes and sub codes3924100090
Japaneseコップ(ガラス製) Chinese杯子(玻璃制) EnglishCup (glass) Examples of HS codes and sub codes7013379900
Japanese子供用の Chinese儿童用 Englishfor Children Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japanese粉チーズ Chinese干酪粉 EnglishPowdered cheese Examples of HS codes and sub codes0406200000
Japanese粉ミルク Chinese奶粉 EnglishPowder Baby Formula Examples of HS codes and sub codes1901100000
Japaneseゴマ Chinese芝麻 EnglishSesame Seed Examples of HS codes and sub codes1207401000
Japaneseごま油 Chinese芝麻油 EnglishSesame Oil Examples of HS codes and sub codes1515509900
Japanese小麦粉 Chinese面粉 EnglishWheat Flour Examples of HS codes and sub codes1101001500
Japaneseゴム手袋 Chinese橡胶手套 EnglishRubber Gloves Examples of HS codes and sub codes4015190000
Japanese Chinese大米 EnglishRice Examples of HS codes and sub codes1006304410
Japanese米粉 Chinese大米粉 EnglishRice Flour Examples of HS codes and sub codes1102905000
Japaneseゴルゴンゾーラチーズ Chinese戈贡佐拉奶酪 EnglishGorgonzola cheese Examples of HS codes and sub codes0406405000
Japaneseゴルフクラブ Chinese高尔夫球杆 EnglishGolf Club Examples of HS codes and sub codes9506310000
Japaneseゴルフシャフト Chinese高尔夫球杆身 EnglishGolf club shaft Examples of HS codes and sub codes9506391000
Japaneseゴルフボール Chinese高尔夫球 EnglishGolf Ball Examples of HS codes and sub codes9506320000
Japaneseコンシーラー Chinese遮瑕膏 EnglishConcealer Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304990000
Japaneseコンセント変換プラグ Chinese转换插头 EnglishTravel Plug Adapter Examples of HS codes and sub codes8536699099
Japaneseコンソメ Chinese法式清汤 EnglishConsomme Examples of HS codes and sub codes2104100089
Japaneseコンタクトレンズ Chinese隐形眼镜 EnglishContact Lens Examples of HS codes and sub codes9001300000
Japaneseコンタクトレンズ洗浄液 Chinese隐形眼镜洗液 EnglishContact Lens Cleansers Examples of HS codes and sub codes3402509000
Japaneseコンタクトレンズ保存液 Chinese隐形眼镜保存液 EnglishSaline Solution for Contact Lens Examples of HS codes and sub codes3402509000
Japaneseコンディショナー Chinese护发素 EnglishHair Conditioner Examples of HS codes and sub codes3305900000
Japaneseコンデンサー(自動車) Chinese冷凝器(汽车空调的冷却部件) EnglishVehicle condenser Examples of HS codes and sub codes8532290000
Japaneseコントローラー Chinese游戏手柄 EnglishController Examples of HS codes and sub codes9504500000
Japaneseこんにゃく Chinese魔芋 EnglishKonjak Jelly Food Examples of HS codes and sub codes2106909855
Japaneseコンパス(方位磁石) Chinese指南针 EnglishCompass (Direction Magnet) Examples of HS codes and sub codes9014100090
Japaneseコンパス(製図用) Chinese圆规 EnglishCompass (Drafting Tool) Examples of HS codes and sub codes9017809000
Japanese昆布 Chinese海带 EnglishSea Cabbage Examples of HS codes and sub codes1212290090
Japaneseこんぺいとう Chinese金平糖 EnglishSugar Candie Examples of HS codes and sub codes1704909999
Japaneseサーフボード Chinese冲浪板 EnglishSurfboard Examples of HS codes and sub codes9506290000
Japanese菜箸 Chinese菜箸(烹饪、分餐用的长筷子) EnglishVegetable Chopsticks Examples of HS codes and sub codes4419120000
Japanese財布(革製) Chinese钱包(皮制) EnglishWallet (leather) Examples of HS codes and sub codes4202310090
Japanese財布(プラスチック製) Chinese钱包(塑料制) EnglishWallet (plastic) Examples of HS codes and sub codes4202329090
Japanese財布(その他の素材の場合) Chinese钱包(其他材料) EnglishWallet (other material) Examples of HS codes and sub codes4202390090
Japaneseサウナハット Chinese桑拿帽 EnglishSauna Hat Examples of HS codes and sub codes6505009090
Japaneseサウンドブック(音の出る絵本) Chinese发声书 EnglishSound Book Examples of HS codes and sub codes4903000000
Japaneseさきいか Chinese鱿鱼丝 EnglishDried Squid Examples of HS codes and sub codes0307498090
Japaneseさく乳器 Chinese吸奶器 EnglishBreast Pump Examples of HS codes and sub codes8434100000
Japanese鮭ほぐし Chinese三文鱼松 EnglishSalmon Flake Examples of HS codes and sub codes1604201090
Japaneseサスペンダー Chinese吊带 Englishsuspenders Examples of HS codes and sub codes6212900000
Japanese雑誌 Chinese杂志 EnglishMagazine Examples of HS codes and sub codes4902900000
Japaneseサッシュ Chinese饰带 EnglishSash Examples of HS codes and sub codes6117100000
Japanese殺虫剤 Chinese杀虫药 EnglishInsecticide Examples of HS codes and sub codes3808919090
Japanese砂糖 Chinese砂糖 EnglishSugar Examples of HS codes and sub codes1701991000
Japanese砂糖菓子 Chinese糖果 EnglishSugar Sweets Examples of HS codes and sub codes1704909999
Japanese砂糖漬け Chinese蜜饯 EnglishConfection Examples of HS codes and sub codes1704906100
Japaneseサドル Chinese鞍座 EnglishSaddle Examples of HS codes and sub codes8714950000
Japanese Chinese青花鱼 EnglishMackerel Examples of HS codes and sub codes0303541095
Japanese鯖缶 Chinese鲭鱼罐头 EnglishCanned mackerel Examples of HS codes and sub codes1604209090
Japaneseサプリメント Chinese保健品 EnglishSupplement Tablet Examples of HS codes and sub codes2106902090
Japaneseサポーター Chinese护膝 EnglishSupporter Examples of HS codes and sub codes6307909899
Japaneseサボテン Chinese仙人掌 EnglishCactus Examples of HS codes and sub codes0602909990
Japanese作務衣(綿) Chinese作务衣(日式工作服)(棉) EnglishJapanese Traditional Workwear (cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6203228000
Japanese作務衣(合成繊維) Chinese作务衣(日式工作服)(合成纤维) EnglishJapanese Traditional Workwear (synthetic fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6203238000
Japanese Chinese碟子 EnglishDish Examples of HS codes and sub codes6911100090
Japaneseサングラス Chinese太阳镜 EnglishSunglasses Examples of HS codes and sub codes9004109900
Japaneseサンダル Chinese凉鞋 EnglishSandals Examples of HS codes and sub codes6404199000
Japaneseサンバイザー Chinese遮阳帽 EnglishSun Visor Examples of HS codes and sub codes6505009090
JapaneseCCクリーム ChineseCC霜 EnglishCC Cream Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304990000
Japaneseシーツ Chinese床单 EnglishBed Sheet Examples of HS codes and sub codes9404909000
JapaneseCD ChineseCD EnglishCD (Compact Disk) Examples of HS codes and sub codes8523299000
Japaneseシール Chinese贴纸 EnglishStickers Examples of HS codes and sub codes4821101000
Japaneseジーンズ Chinese牛仔裤 EnglishJeans Examples of HS codes and sub codes6203423100
Japaneseしいたけ Chinese香菇 EnglishShiitake Mushroom Examples of HS codes and sub codes0709540000
Japaneseジェネレーター(自動車) Chinese发电机(汽车部件) EnglishVehicle generator Examples of HS codes and sub codes8511400090
Japanese Chinese EnglishSalt Examples of HS codes and sub codes2501009100
Japanese塩辛(素材が魚の場合) Chinese盐辛(原材料为鱼) EnglishSalted Fish Gut (fish) Examples of HS codes and sub codes0305399090
Japanese塩辛(素材がイカの場合) Chinese盐辛(原材料为鱿鱼) EnglishSalted Fish Gut (squid) Examples of HS codes and sub codes0307498090
Japanese塩昆布 Chinese盐渍海带 EnglishDried Salted kelp Examples of HS codes and sub codes2106909855
Japaneseしおり Chinese书签 EnglishBookmark Examples of HS codes and sub codes4901990000
Japanese歯間ブラシ Chinese牙间刷 EnglishInterdental brush Examples of HS codes and sub codes9603210000
Japanese磁器 Chinese瓷器 EnglishPorcelain Examples of HS codes and sub codes6911900000
Japanese磁気ネックレス Chinese磁性项圈 EnglishMagnetic Necklaces Examples of HS codes and sub codes7117900000
Japaneseジグソーパズル Chinese拼图玩具 EnglishJigsaw Puzzle Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503006190
Japanese辞書 Chinese词典 EnglishDictionary Examples of HS codes and sub codes4901910000
Japanese下着(男性用 綿) Chinese内衣(男式 棉) EnglishUnderwear (for men, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6207910099
Japanese下着(男性用 人造繊維) Chinese内衣(男式 人造纤维) EnglishUnderwear (for men, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6207991000
Japanese下着(男性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese内衣(男式 其他纤维材料) EnglishUnderwear (for men, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6207999099
Japanese下着(女性用 綿) Chinese内衣(女式 棉) EnglishUnderwear (for women, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6208910019
Japanese下着(女性用 人造繊維) Chinese内衣(女式 人造纤维) EnglishUnderwear (for women, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6208110000
Japanese下着(女性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese内衣(女式 其他纤维材料) EnglishUnderwear (for women, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6208190000
Japanese下敷き Chinese垫板 EnglishDesk pad Examples of HS codes and sub codes3926100000
Japanese漆器 Chinese漆器 EnglishLacquer Ware Examples of HS codes and sub codes4419900000
Japaneseジッパーバッグ Chinese拉链包 EnglishZipper Bag Examples of HS codes and sub codes3923291000
Japanese湿布 Chinese膏药 EnglishCold Compress Examples of HS codes and sub codes3005100000
Japanese自転車 Chinese自行车 EnglishBicycle Examples of HS codes and sub codes8712003090
Japanese児童書 Chinese儿童书 EnglishChild Book Examples of HS codes and sub codes4901990000
Japanese竹刀 Chinese竹刀 EnglishBamboo sword Examples of HS codes and sub codes9506999000
JapaneseSIMカード ChineseSIM卡 EnglishSIM card Examples of HS codes and sub codes8523520000
Japaneseジャージ(男性用 綿) Chinese运动服(男式 棉) EnglishJersey (for men, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110209100
Japaneseジャージ(男性用 人造繊維) Chinese运动服(男式 人造纤维) EnglishJersey (for men, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110309100
Japaneseジャージ(男性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese运动服(男式 其他纤维材料) EnglishJersey (for men, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110909090
Japaneseジャージ(女性用 綿) Chinese运动服(女式 棉) EnglishJersey (for women, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110209900
Japaneseジャージ(女性用 人造繊維) Chinese运动服(女式 人造纤维) EnglishJersey (for women, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110309900
Japaneseジャージ(女性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese运动服(女式 其他纤维材料) EnglishJersey (for women, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110909090
Japaneseシャープペンシル Chinese自动铅笔 EnglishMechanical Pencil Examples of HS codes and sub codes9608400000
Japaneseジャケット(男性用 羊毛) Chinese茄克(男式 羊毛) EnglishJacket (for men, wool) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6203310000
Japaneseジャケット(男性用 綿) Chinese茄克(男式 棉) EnglishJacket (for men, cotton ) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6203329000
Japaneseジャケット(男性用 合成繊維) Chinese茄克(男式 合成纤维) EnglishJacket (for men, synthetic fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6203339000
Japaneseジャケット(男性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese茄克(男式 其他纤维材料) EnglishJacket (for men, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6203399000
Japaneseジャケット(女性用 羊毛) Chinese茄克(女式 羊毛) EnglishJacket (for women, wool) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6204310000
Japaneseジャケット(女性用 綿) Chinese茄克(女式 棉) EnglishJacket (for women, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6204329090
Japaneseジャケット(女性用 合成繊維) Chinese茄克(女式 合成纤维) EnglishJacket (for women, synthetic fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6204339000
Japaneseジャケット(女性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese茄克(女式 其他纤维材料) EnglishJacket (for women, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6204399090
Japanese写真 Chinese照片 EnglishPhoto Examples of HS codes and sub codes4911910090
Japanese写真集 Chinese照片集 EnglishPhoto Book Examples of HS codes and sub codes4901990000
Japanese写真たて Chinese相框 EnglishPicture Frame Examples of HS codes and sub codes4409101100
Japaneseシャツ(男性用 綿) Chinese衬衫(男式 棉) EnglishShirt (for men, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6205200090
Japaneseシャツ(男性用 人造繊維) Chinese衬衫(男式 人造纤维) EnglishShirt (for men, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6205300000
Japaneseシャツ(男性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese衬衫(男式 其他纤维材料) EnglishShirt (for men, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6205908090
Japaneseシャツ(女性用 綿) Chinese衬衫(女式 棉) EnglishShirt (for women, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6206300090
Japaneseシャツ(女性用 絹) Chinese衬衫(女式 丝绸) EnglishShirt (for women, silk) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6206100000
Japaneseシャツ(女性用 人造繊維) Chinese衬衫(女式 人造纤维) EnglishShirt (for women, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6206400000
Japaneseシャツ(女性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese衬衫(女式 其他纤维材料) EnglishShirt (for women, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6206909000
Japaneseシャツ(下着)(男性用 綿) Chinese汗衫(男式 棉) EnglishUndershirt (for men, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6207910099
Japaneseシャツ(下着)(男性用 人造繊維) Chinese汗衫(男式 人造纤维) EnglishUndershirt (for men, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6207991000
Japaneseシャツ(下着)(男性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese汗衫(男式 其他纤维材料) EnglishUndershirt (for men, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6207999099
Japaneseシャツ(下着)(女性用 綿) Chinese汗衫(女式 棉) EnglishUndershirt (for women, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6208910090
Japaneseシャツ(下着)(女性用 人造繊維) Chinese汗衫(女式 人造纤维) EnglishUndershirt (for women, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6208920000
Japaneseシャツ(下着)(女性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese汗衫(女式 其他纤维材料) EnglishUndershirt (for women, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6208990099
Japaneseジャム(素材がいちごの場合) Chinese果酱(原材料为草莓) EnglishJam (strawberry) Examples of HS codes and sub codes2007993315
Japaneseジャム(素材がブルーベリーの場合) Chinese果酱(原材料为蓝莓) EnglishJam (blueberry) Examples of HS codes and sub codes2007993970
Japaneseジャム(素材が桃の場合) Chinese果酱(原材料为桃子) EnglishJam (peach) Examples of HS codes and sub codes2007993932
Japaneseジャム(素材が柑橘類の場合) Chinese果酱(原材料为柑橘类水果) EnglishJam (citrus fruits) Examples of HS codes and sub codes2007911010
Japaneseしゃもじ Chinese饭勺 EnglishRice Scoop Examples of HS codes and sub codes3924100090
Japaneseジャンパー(男性用 綿) Chinese运动外套(男式 棉) EnglishWindbreaker (for men, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6101209000
Japaneseジャンパー(男性用 人造繊維) Chinese运动外套(男式 人造纤维) EnglishWindbreaker (for men, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6101309000
Japaneseジャンパー(男性用 羊毛) Chinese运动外套(男式 羊毛) EnglishWindbreaker (for men, wool) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6101908010
Japaneseジャンパー(男性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese运动外套(男式 其他纤维材料) EnglishWindbreaker (for men, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6101908090
Japaneseジャンパー(女性用 綿) Chinese运动外套(女式 棉) EnglishWindbreaker (for women, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6102209000
Japaneseジャンパー(女性用 人造繊維) Chinese运动外套(女式 人造纤维) EnglishWindbreaker (for women, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6102309000
Japaneseジャンパー(女性用 羊毛) Chinese运动外套(女式 羊毛) EnglishWindbreaker (for women, wool) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6102109000
Japaneseジャンパー(女性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese运动外套(女式 其他纤维材料) EnglishWindbreaker (for women, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6102909000
Japaneseシャンパン Chinese香槟酒 EnglishChampagne Examples of HS codes and sub codes2204101100
Japaneseシャンパングラス Chinese香槟杯 EnglishChampagne Glasses Examples of HS codes and sub codes7013289000
Japaneseシャンプー Chinese洗发水 EnglishShampoo Examples of HS codes and sub codes3305100000
Japaneseシャンプーハット Chinese洗发帽 EnglishShower cap Examples of HS codes and sub codes6506910000
Japaneseジュース Chinese果汁 EnglishJuice Examples of HS codes and sub codes2202991919
Japaneseじゅうたん(織物製) Chinese地毯(纺织品) EnglishCarpet (woven) Examples of HS codes and sub codes5705003090
Japaneseじゅうたん(コイヤ製) Chinese地毯(椰壳纤维制) EnglishCarpet (coir) Examples of HS codes and sub codes5702200000
Japaneseじゅうたん(その他のもの) Chinese地毯(其他) EnglishCarpet (other) Examples of HS codes and sub codes5705008099
Japaneseじゅうたん(タフトしたもの) Chinese地毯(簇绒) EnglishCarpet (tafted) Examples of HS codes and sub codes5703908090
Japaneseじゅうたん(フェルト製) Chinese地毯(毛毡制) EnglishCarpet (felt) Examples of HS codes and sub codes5704900090
Japaneseじゅうたん(結びパイル) Chinese地毯(结织栽绒) EnglishCarpet (knotted pile) Examples of HS codes and sub codes5701909090
Japanese充電器 Chinese充电器 EnglishBattery Charger Examples of HS codes and sub codes8504405590
Japanese充電池(ニッケルカドミウム) Chinese蓄電池(镍镉) EnglishRechargeable Battery (Ni-Cd) Examples of HS codes and sub codes8507302090
Japanese充電池(ニッケル水素) Chinese蓄電池(镍氢) EnglishRechargeable Battery (Ni-Mh) Examples of HS codes and sub codes8507500090
Japanese柔軟剤 Chinese柔顺剂 EnglishSoftener Examples of HS codes and sub codes3402501000
Japanese重箱 Chinese套盒 EnglishBoxes Examples of HS codes and sub codes4419900000
Japaneseシュシュ Chinese发圈 EnglishScrunchie Examples of HS codes and sub codes9615900000
Japanese数珠(木製) Chinese念珠(木制) EnglishRosary (wood) Examples of HS codes and sub codes4421999999
Japanese数珠(石製) Chinese念珠(石制) EnglishRosary (stone) Examples of HS codes and sub codes7116201100
Japaneseシュラフ Chinese睡袋 EnglishShrug Examples of HS codes and sub codes9404300000
Japaneseショール(絹) Chinese披巾(丝绸) EnglishShawl (silk) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6214100090
Japaneseショール(羊毛) Chinese披巾(羊毛) EnglishShawl (wool) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6214200090
Japaneseショール(合成繊維) Chinese披巾(合成纤维) EnglishShawl (synthetic fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6214300090
Japaneseショール(綿) Chinese披巾(棉) EnglishShawl (cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6214900019
Japaneseショール(その他繊維素材) Chinese披巾(其他纤维材料) EnglishShawl (other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6214900099
Japaneseしょうが Chinese生姜 EnglishGinger Examples of HS codes and sub codes0910110000
Japanese定規 Chinese尺子 EnglishRuler Examples of HS codes and sub codes9017809000
Japanese浄水器 Chinese净水器 EnglishWater Purifier Examples of HS codes and sub codes8421210090
Japanese焼酎 Chinese烧酒 EnglishShochu Liquor Examples of HS codes and sub codes2208905600
Japanese【原則引受不可】消毒剤 Chinese【原则上无法受理】消毒剂 English【Not acceptable in general】Disinfectant Examples of HS codes and sub codes3808929090
Japaneseしょうゆ Chinese酱油 EnglishSoy Sauce Examples of HS codes and sub codes2103100000
Japanese食品サンプル(模型) Chinese食品模型 EnglishPlastic Food Model Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503009590
Japanese除湿剤 Chinese除湿剂 EnglishDehumidifying agent Examples of HS codes and sub codes2827200000
Japanese食器(プラスチック製) Chinese餐具(塑料制) EnglishTableware (plastic) Examples of HS codes and sub codes3924100090
Japanese食器(木製) Chinese餐具(木制) EnglishTableware (wood) Examples of HS codes and sub codes4419900000
Japanese食器(陶器製) Chinese餐具(陶制) EnglishTableware (pottery) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6912002119
Japanese食器(磁器製) Chinese餐具(瓷制) EnglishTableware (porcelain) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6911100090
Japanese食器(ガラス製) Chinese餐具(玻璃制) EnglishTableware (glass) Examples of HS codes and sub codes7013499900
Japanese食器用洗剤 Chinese餐具清洗剂 EnglishDishwashing Detergent Examples of HS codes and sub codes3402509000
Japaneseショルダーバッグ Chinese单肩包 EnglishShoulder Bag Examples of HS codes and sub codes4202229090
Japanese白玉粉 Chinese糯米粉 EnglishWhite Bean Flour Examples of HS codes and sub codes1102905000
Japaneseシリカゲル Chinese硅胶 EnglishSilica gel Examples of HS codes and sub codes2811220040
Japaneseしるこ Chinese红豆年糕汤 EnglishRed-Bean Soup Examples of HS codes and sub codes1704907100
Japanese真空管(オーディオ) Chinese真空管(音频) EnglishAudio vacuum tube Examples of HS codes and sub codes8518500090
Japanese身長計 Chinese身高计 EnglishStadiometer Examples of HS codes and sub codes9031808000
Japanese新品の Chinese新品 EnglishBrand New Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japanese新聞 Chinese报纸 EnglishNewspaper Examples of HS codes and sub codes4902100000
Japaneseスーツ(男性用 羊毛製又は繊獣毛) Chinese西装(男式 羊毛或动物细毛制) EnglishSuit (for men, wool or fine animal hair) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6203110000
Japaneseスーツ(男性用 合成繊維) Chinese西装(男式 合成纤维) EnglishSuit (for men, synthetic fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6203120000
Japaneseスーツ(男性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese西装(男式 其他纤维材料) EnglishSuit (for men, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6203199000
Japaneseスーツ(女性用 羊毛製又は繊獣毛) Chinese西装(女式 羊毛或动物细毛制) EnglishSuit (for women, wool or fine animal hair) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6204110000
Japaneseスーツ(女性用 合成繊維) Chinese西装(女式 合成纤维) EnglishSuit (for women, synthetic fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6204130000
Japaneseスーツ(女性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese西装(女式 其他纤维材料) EnglishSuit (for women, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6204199000
Japaneseスーツケース Chinese手提箱 EnglishSuitcase Examples of HS codes and sub codes4202125000
Japaneseスープ Chinese EnglishSoup Examples of HS codes and sub codes2104100089
Japanese水泳帽 Chinese泳帽 EnglishSwimming Cap Examples of HS codes and sub codes6506999000
Japaneseすいか Chinese西瓜 EnglishWatermelon Examples of HS codes and sub codes0807110000
Japanese水性マーカー Chinese水性记号笔 EnglishWater-based marker Examples of HS codes and sub codes9608200000
Japanese水槽(ガラス) Chinese水族箱(玻璃) EnglishWater tank (glass) Examples of HS codes and sub codes7013990090
Japanese水槽(プラスチック) Chinese水族箱(塑料) EnglishWater tank (plastic) Examples of HS codes and sub codes3926100000
Japanese水筒 Chinese水壶 EnglishWater Flask Examples of HS codes and sub codes7323930090
Japanese炊飯器 Chinese电饭煲 EnglishRice Cooker Examples of HS codes and sub codes8516601000
Japanese睡眠薬 Chinese安眠药 EnglishSleeping Pill Examples of HS codes and sub codes3004900000
Japaneseスカート(羊毛) Chinese短裙(羊毛) EnglishSkirt (wool) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6204510090
Japaneseスカート(綿) Chinese短裙(棉) EnglishSkirt (cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6204520090
Japaneseスカート(合成繊維) Chinese短裙(合成纤维) EnglishSkirt (synthetic fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6204530090
Japaneseスカート(その他繊維素材) Chinese短裙(其他纤维材料) EnglishSkirt (other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6204599090
Japaneseスカーフ(絹) Chinese方巾(丝绸) EnglishScarf (silk) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6214100090
Japaneseスカーフ(羊毛) Chinese方巾(羊毛) EnglishScarf (wool) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6214200090
Japaneseスカーフ(合成繊維) Chinese方巾(合成纤维) EnglishScarf (synthetic fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6214300090
Japaneseスカーフ(綿) Chinese方巾(棉) EnglishScarf (cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6214900019
Japaneseスカーフ(その他繊維素材) Chinese方巾(其他纤维材料) EnglishScarf (other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6214900099
Japaneseスキーウェア Chinese滑雪服 EnglishSki Wear Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211200010
Japaneseスキンクリーム Chinese护肤霜 EnglishSkin Cream Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304990000
Japaneseスケートボード Chinese滑板 EnglishSkateboard Examples of HS codes and sub codes9506999000
Japaneseすし酢 Chinese寿司醋 EnglishSushi vinegar Examples of HS codes and sub codes2209009100
Japaneseすずり Chinese砚台 EnglishInk Stone Examples of HS codes and sub codes6815990000
Japaneseスタイ(綿) Chinese围兜(棉) EnglishBib (cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6209200090
Japanese頭痛薬 Chinese头痛药 EnglishHeadache Medicine Examples of HS codes and sub codes3004900000
Japaneseステッカー Chinese粘纸 EnglishSticker Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503009990
Japaneseストッキング(合成繊維) Chinese长筒丝袜(合成纤维) EnglishStockings (synthetic fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6115220000
Japaneseストラップ Chinese挂绳 EnglishStrap Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503009990
Japaneseスナック菓子(素材がトウモロコシの場合) Chinese零食(原材料为玉米) EnglishSnack (made from corn) Examples of HS codes and sub codes1904101000
Japaneseスナック菓子(素材が米の場合) Chinese零食(原材料为大米) EnglishSnack (made from rice) Examples of HS codes and sub codes1904103000
Japaneseスナック菓子(その他の素材の場合) Chinese零食(其他原材料) EnglishSnack (other material) Examples of HS codes and sub codes1904109000
Japaneseスニーカー Chinese运动鞋 EnglishSneakers Examples of HS codes and sub codes6404110000
Japaneseスノーボード Chinese滑雪板 EnglishSnowboard Examples of HS codes and sub codes9506112100
Japaneseスパイクシューズ(24cm未満) Chinese钉鞋(不足24cm) EnglishCleats (less than 24 cm) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6403999110
Japaneseスパイクシューズ(24cm以上) Chinese钉鞋(24cm(含)以上) EnglishCleats (more than 24 cm) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6403999310
Japaneseスパイス Chinese香辛料 EnglishSpice Examples of HS codes and sub codes0910999900
Japanese【引受不可】スピーカー Chinese【无法受理】音响 English【Not acceptable】Speaker Examples of HS codes and sub codes8518220090
Japaneseスプーン(プラスチック製) Chinese汤匙(塑料制) EnglishSpoon (plastic) Examples of HS codes and sub codes3924100090
Japaneseスプーン(木製) Chinese汤匙(木制) EnglishSpoon (wood) Examples of HS codes and sub codes4419900000
Japaneseスプーン(ステンレス製) Chinese汤匙(不锈钢制) EnglishSpoon (stainless steel) Examples of HS codes and sub codes7323930090
Japaneseスプリング(自動車・鋼鉄) Chinese弹簧(汽车部件・钢铁) EnglishVehicle spring Examples of HS codes and sub codes7320208590
Japaneseスプロケット(自動車) Chinese链轮 EnglishVehicle sprocket Examples of HS codes and sub codes8483908990
Japaneseスポイラー(自動車) Chinese扰流板 EnglishVehicle spoiler Examples of HS codes and sub codes8708299000
Japaneseズボン(男性用 羊毛) Chinese长裤(男式 羊毛) EnglishPants (for men, wool) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6203419000
Japaneseズボン(男性用 綿) Chinese长裤(男式 棉) EnglishPants (for men, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6203423500
Japaneseズボン(男性用 合成繊維) Chinese长裤(男式 合成纤维) EnglishPants (for men, synthetic fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6203431900
Japaneseズボン(男性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese长裤(男式 其他纤维材料) EnglishPants (for men, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6203499000
Japaneseズボン(女性用 羊毛) Chinese长裤(女式 羊毛) EnglishPants (for women, wool) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6204611000
Japaneseズボン(女性用 綿) Chinese长裤(女式 棉) EnglishPants (for women, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6204623990
Japaneseズボン(女性用 合成繊維) Chinese长裤(女式 合成纤维) EnglishPants (for women, synthetic fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6204631890
Japaneseズボン(女性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese长裤(女式 其他纤维材料) EnglishPants (for women, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6204699090
Japaneseスポンジ Chinese海绵 EnglishSponge Examples of HS codes and sub codes3924100019
Japaneseスポンジケーキ Chinese海绵蛋糕 EnglishSponge cake Examples of HS codes and sub codes1905908000
Japaneseスマートウォッチ Chinese智能手表 EnglishSmart Watch Examples of HS codes and sub codes9107000090
Japaneseスマートフォン Chinese智能手机 EnglishSmartphone Examples of HS codes and sub codes8517130000
Japaneseスマホケース Chinese手机壳 EnglishSmart Phone Case Examples of HS codes and sub codes3926909790
Japaneseスマホホルダー Chinese手机支架 EnglishSmartphone cradle Examples of HS codes and sub codes3926300090
Japanese Chinese EnglishIndian Ink Examples of HS codes and sub codes3215907090
Japaneseスリッパ Chinese拖鞋 EnglishSlippers Examples of HS codes and sub codes6405209100
Japaneseするめ Chinese鱿鱼干 EnglishDried Cuttlefishe Examples of HS codes and sub codes0307498090
Japaneseセーター(男性用 羊毛) Chinese毛衣(男式 羊毛) EnglishSweater (for men, wool) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110113000
Japaneseセーター(男性用 カシミヤ毛) Chinese毛衣(男式 羊绒毛) EnglishSweater (for men, cashmere) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110121090
Japaneseセーター(男性用 綿) Chinese毛衣(男式 棉) EnglishSweater (for men, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110209100
Japaneseセーター(男性用 人造繊維) Chinese毛衣(男式 人造纤维) EnglishSweater (for men, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110309100
Japaneseセーター(男性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese毛衣(男式 其他纤维材料) EnglishSweater (for men, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110909090
Japaneseセーター(女性用 羊毛) Chinese毛衣(女式 羊毛) EnglishSweater (for women, wool) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110119000
Japaneseセーター(女性用 カシミヤ毛) Chinese毛衣(女式 羊绒毛) EnglishSweater (for women, cashmere) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110129090
Japaneseセーター(女性用 綿) Chinese毛衣(女式 棉) EnglishSweater (for women, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110209900
Japaneseセーター(女性用 人造繊維) Chinese毛衣(女式 人造纤维) EnglishSweater (for women, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110309900
Japaneseセーター(女性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese毛衣(女式 其他纤维材料) EnglishSweater (for women, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110909090
Japanese生理用品 Chinese卫生棉垫 EnglishSanitary Towel Examples of HS codes and sub codes9619003000
Japanese咳止め薬 Chinese咳嗽药 EnglishCough Medicine Examples of HS codes and sub codes3004900000
Japanese石けん Chinese肥皂 EnglishSoap Examples of HS codes and sub codes3401110000
Japanese接着剤(引火性)なし Chinese无易燃性粘合剂 EnglishWithout Flammable Glue Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japaneseゼムクリップ Chinese回形针 EnglishPaper clip Examples of HS codes and sub codes8305900000
Japaneseゼリー Chinese果冻 EnglishJelly Examples of HS codes and sub codes1704906500
Japanese洗顔剤 Chinese洗面奶 EnglishFace Wash Examples of HS codes and sub codes3401300000
Japanese線香 Chinese棒香 EnglishIncense Stick Examples of HS codes and sub codes3307410000
Japanese洗剤 Chinese洗涤剂 EnglishDetergent Examples of HS codes and sub codes3402501000
Japaneseぜんざい Chinese善哉红豆汤 EnglishRed Bean Soup Examples of HS codes and sub codes1704907100
Japanese扇子 Chinese扇子 EnglishFolding Fan Examples of HS codes and sub codes4421910000
Japanese洗濯ネット Chinese护洗袋 EnglishLaundry Net Examples of HS codes and sub codes6307901000
Japanese扇風機 Chinese电风扇 EnglishElectric Fan Examples of HS codes and sub codes8414510090
Japaneseせんべい Chinese仙贝 EnglishRice Cracker Examples of HS codes and sub codes1905908000
Japaneseソース Chinese沙司 EnglishSauce Examples of HS codes and sub codes2103909089
Japaneseソーラー電池(太陽電池) Chinese太阳能电池(太阳能电池) EnglishSolar cell/battery Examples of HS codes and sub codes8541430000
Japanese造花 Chinese人造花 EnglishImitation Flower Examples of HS codes and sub codes6702900000
Japanese双眼鏡 Chinese双目望远镜 EnglishBinoculars Examples of HS codes and sub codes9005100000
Japanese掃除機 Chinese吸尘器 EnglishVacuum Cleaner Examples of HS codes and sub codes8508110000
Japaneseそうめん Chinese挂面 EnglishFine White Noodle Examples of HS codes and sub codes1902199090
Japanese草履 Chinese草履(日式凉鞋) EnglishSandal Examples of HS codes and sub codes6405909000
Japaneseそば Chinese荞麦面 EnglishBuckwheat Noodle Examples of HS codes and sub codes1902191090
Japaneseそば粉 Chinese荞麦粉 EnglishBuckwheat Flour Examples of HS codes and sub codes1104298900
Japaneseそばつゆ Chinese荞麦面佐料汁 EnglishSoups For Noodle Examples of HS codes and sub codes2104200090
Japaneseソフビ人形 Chinese空心软胶手办 EnglishSoft Vinyl Figure Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503004990
Japaneseタープ Chinese篷布 EnglishTarp Examples of HS codes and sub codes6306120000
Japaneseターボチャージャー(過給機) Chinese涡轮增压器(增压器) EnglishTurbocharger Examples of HS codes and sub codes8414599590
Japanese体温計 Chinese体温计 EnglishThermometer Examples of HS codes and sub codes9025112000
Japanese体重計 Chinese体重计 EnglishWeighing Machine Examples of HS codes and sub codes8423101000
Japanese大豆 Chinese大豆 EnglishSoybean Examples of HS codes and sub codes1201900000
Japanese体組成計 Chinese体成分监测仪 EnglishBody Composition Monitor Examples of HS codes and sub codes8423109000
Japaneseタイツ(合成繊維) Chinese紧身裤(合成纤维) Englishtights (synthetic fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6115220000
Japaneseタイヤ Chinese轮胎 EnglishTire Examples of HS codes and sub codes4011900000
Japaneseダウンジャケット(男性用) Chinese羽绒服(男式 其他纤维材料) EnglishDown jacket (for men) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6210400000
Japaneseダウンジャケット(女性用) Chinese羽绒服(女式 其他纤维材料) EnglishDown jacket (for women) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6210500000
Japaneseタオル Chinese手巾 EnglishTowel Examples of HS codes and sub codes6302999090
Japanese抱き枕 Chinese抱枕 EnglishSwaddling Pillows Examples of HS codes and sub codes9404909000
Japaneseたくあん Chinese腌萝卜 EnglishPickled Radish Examples of HS codes and sub codes0711908080
Japaneseたこ焼き機 Chinese章鱼小丸子机 EnglishTakoyaki Cooking Grill Examples of HS codes and sub codes8516605000
Japaneseだし Chinese日式高汤 EnglishDashi Soup Examples of HS codes and sub codes2104100089
Japaneseだしの素 Chinese高汤粉 EnglishInstant Broths Examples of HS codes and sub codes2104100089
Japaneseたすき Chinese接力带 EnglishSash Examples of HS codes and sub codes6307909899
Japanese Chinese榻榻米 EnglishTatami mat Examples of HS codes and sub codes4602199090
Japanese卓球ラケット Chinese乒乓球拍 EnglishTable Tennis Racket Examples of HS codes and sub codes9506400000
Japaneseだっこひも Chinese婴儿背带 EnglishBaby Carriers Examples of HS codes and sub codes4202990090
Japaneseタバコ Chinese香烟 EnglishCigarette Examples of HS codes and sub codes2402209000
Japanese足袋 Chinese足袋 EnglishJapanese Socks Examples of HS codes and sub codes6115950000
Japaneseタピオカ Chinese珍珠奶茶 EnglishTapioca Examples of HS codes and sub codes1903000090
Japaneseタブレット Chinese平板电脑 EnglishTablet Computer Examples of HS codes and sub codes8471410000
Japaneseタペストリー Chinese挂毯 EnglishTapestry Examples of HS codes and sub codes6304910000
Japaneseタレ Chinese EnglishSauce Examples of HS codes and sub codes2103909089
Japanese団子 Chinese团子 EnglishDumpling Examples of HS codes and sub codes1901909990
Japaneseタンバリン Chinese铃鼓 EnglishTambourine Examples of HS codes and sub codes9206000000
Japaneseタンブラー Chinese平底玻璃杯 EnglishTumbler Examples of HS codes and sub codes7323930090
Japaneseダンベル Chinese哑铃 EnglishDumbbells Examples of HS codes and sub codes9506919000
Japaneseチーク Chinese腮红 EnglishBlusher Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304910000
Japaneseチェーン(自動車) Chinese链条 EnglishVehicle chain Examples of HS codes and sub codes7315111000
Japaneseチェス Chinese国际象棋 EnglishChess set Examples of HS codes and sub codes9504302000
Japaneseチェダーチーズ Chinese切达奶酪 EnglishCheddar cheese Examples of HS codes and sub codes0406902190
Japanese知恵の輪 Chinese益智环 EnglishPuzzle Ring Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503006190
Japanese地球儀 Chinese地球仪 EnglishWorld Globe Examples of HS codes and sub codes4905900010
Japanese地図 Chinese地图 EnglishMap Examples of HS codes and sub codes4905900090
Japanese地図帳 Chinese地图册 EnglishMap Book Examples of HS codes and sub codes4905200000
Japanese茶(乾物) Chinese茶(干货) EnglishTea Examples of HS codes and sub codes0902400000
Japaneseチャイルドシート Chinese儿童安全座椅 EnglishInfant Car Seat Examples of HS codes and sub codes9401200000
Japanese茶器(陶器製) Chinese茶具(陶制) EnglishTea Utensil (pottery) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6912002191
Japanese茶器(磁器製) Chinese茶具(瓷制) EnglishTea Utensil (porcelain) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6911100090
Japanese茶こし Chinese茶滤 EnglishTea Strainer Examples of HS codes and sub codes8215991000
Japanese茶道具 Chinese茶具 EnglishTea Set Examples of HS codes and sub codes4419190000
Japanese中古の Chinese二手货 EnglishUsed Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japanese提灯 Chinese灯笼 EnglishPaper Lantern Examples of HS codes and sub codes9505900000
Japanese調味料 Chinese调味料 EnglishSeasoning Examples of HS codes and sub codes2103909089
Japaneseチョコレート Chinese巧克力 EnglishChocolate Examples of HS codes and sub codes1806329000
Japaneseチョコレート菓子 Chinese巧克力糕点 EnglishChocolate snack Examples of HS codes and sub codes1806208019
Japaneseチョコレートパイ Chinese巧克力派 EnglishChocolate pie Examples of HS codes and sub codes1806208019
Japaneseチラシ Chinese宣传单 EnglishLeaflet Examples of HS codes and sub codes4911109000
Japaneseチリオイル Chinese辣椒油 EnglishChili Oil Examples of HS codes and sub codes1510900000
Japanese鎮痛剤 Chinese止痛药 EnglishPainkiller Examples of HS codes and sub codes3004900000
Japanese通信教育用テキスト Chinese函授教育教材 EnglishText for Correspondence Study Examples of HS codes and sub codes4901990000
Japanese Chinese手杖 EnglishCane Examples of HS codes and sub codes6602000090
Japanese〇〇の佃煮 Chinese〇〇佃煮 EnglishSimmered 〇〇 Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japanese佃煮(素材が海苔、海藻類の場合) Chinese佃煮(原材料为海苔、海藻类) EnglishFood Simmered in Soy Sauce (seaweed) Examples of HS codes and sub codes1212210000
Japanese佃煮(素材がエビのもの) Chinese佃煮(原材料为虾) EnglishFood Simmered In Soy Sauce (shrimp) Examples of HS codes and sub codes1605290099
Japanese佃煮(素材がその他甲殻類のもの) Chinese佃煮(原材料为其他甲壳类) EnglishFood Simmered In Soy Sauce (other crustaceans) Examples of HS codes and sub codes1605400070
Japaneseつけまつげ Chinese假睫毛 EnglishFalse Eyelashe Examples of HS codes and sub codes6704900000
Japanese漬物 Chinese酱菜 EnglishPickles Examples of HS codes and sub codes0711908080
Japaneseツナ缶 Chinese金枪鱼罐头 EnglishCanned Tuna Examples of HS codes and sub codes1604144890
Japanese椿油 Chinese山茶油 EnglishTea seed oil/tea oil Examples of HS codes and sub codes1515909999
Japaneseつまようじ Chinese牙签 EnglishToothpick Examples of HS codes and sub codes4419900000
Japanese積み木 Chinese积木 EnglishBlock Toy Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503009910
Japanese爪切り Chinese指甲钳 EnglishNail Clipper Examples of HS codes and sub codes8214900000
Japaneseつゆ Chinese佐料汁 EnglishSoup Examples of HS codes and sub codes2104200090
Japanese釣糸 Chinese钓鱼线 EnglishFishing Line Examples of HS codes and sub codes9507900000
Japanese釣竿 Chinese钓鱼竿 EnglishFishing Rod Examples of HS codes and sub codes9507100000
Japanese釣り針 Chinese鱼钩 EnglishFish Hook Examples of HS codes and sub codes9507201000
Japaneseテープ Chinese胶带 EnglishTape Examples of HS codes and sub codes5906100000
Japaneseテーブルクロス Chinese桌布 EnglishTablecloth Examples of HS codes and sub codes6302599090
Japaneseティーカップ Chinese茶杯 EnglishTea Cup Examples of HS codes and sub codes6912002191
Japaneseティーキャディ Chinese茶叶罐 EnglishTea caddy Examples of HS codes and sub codes6912002191
JapaneseTシャツ ChineseT恤 EnglishT-Shirt Examples of HS codes and sub codes6109100010
Japaneseティースプーン Chinese茶匙 EnglishTeaspoon Examples of HS codes and sub codes8215999000
JapaneseDVD ChineseDVD EnglishDVD (Digital Versatile Disks) Examples of HS codes and sub codes8523491000
Japaneseティッシュ Chinese纸巾 EnglishTissue Examples of HS codes and sub codes4818201000
Japaneseデジタルカメラ Chinese数码相机 EnglishDigital Camera Examples of HS codes and sub codes8525890000
Japaneseデスクトップパソコン Chinese台式电脑 EnglishDesktop Computer Examples of HS codes and sub codes8471410000
Japanese手帳 Chinese笔记本 EnglishNotebook Examples of HS codes and sub codes4820103000
Japanese鉄製の Chinese铁制 EnglishIron Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japaneseテニスボール Chinese网球 EnglishTennis Ball Examples of HS codes and sub codes9506610000
Japaneseテニスラケット Chinese网球拍 EnglishTennis Racket Examples of HS codes and sub codes9506510000
Japanese手ぬぐい Chinese手巾 EnglishTowel Examples of HS codes and sub codes6302210029
Japanese手袋(革) Chinese手套(皮) EnglishGloves (leather) Examples of HS codes and sub codes4203210000
Japanese手袋(羊毛) Chinese手套(羊毛) EnglishGloves (wool) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6116910000
Japanese手袋(綿) Chinese手套(棉) EnglishGloves (cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6116920000
Japanese手袋(合成繊維) Chinese手套(合成纤维) EnglishGloves (synthetic fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6116930000
Japanese手袋(その他繊維素材) Chinese手套(其他纤维材料) EnglishGloves (other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6116990000
Japanese電気ケトル Chinese电热水壶 EnglishElectric Kettle Examples of HS codes and sub codes8516101100
Japanese電気コード Chinese电线 EnglishElectric Cord Examples of HS codes and sub codes8544499500
Japanese電気ストーブ Chinese电暖器 EnglishElectric stove Examples of HS codes and sub codes8516299900
Japanese電球 Chinese灯泡 EnglishElectric light bulb Examples of HS codes and sub codes8539219290
Japanese電源ケーブル Chinese电源线 EnglishPower Cable Examples of HS codes and sub codes8544499500
Japanese電子基板 Chinese电子基板 EnglishPrinted circuit board Examples of HS codes and sub codes8549390000
Japanese電子辞書 Chinese电子字典 EnglishElectronic Dictionary Examples of HS codes and sub codes8543701000
Japanese【引受不可】電子タバコ Chinese【无法受理】电子烟 English【Not acceptable】Electronic Cigarette Examples of HS codes and sub codes8543400000
Japanese電子タバコ(カートリッジ・レフィル) Chinese电子烟的烟弹 EnglishCartridge and Refill for Electronic Cigarette Examples of HS codes and sub codes2404120010
Japanese電子レンジ Chinese微波炉 EnglishMicrowave Oven Examples of HS codes and sub codes8516500090
Japanese電卓 Chinese计算器 EnglishElectronic Calculator Examples of HS codes and sub codes8470100000
Japaneseデンタルフロス Chinese牙线 EnglishDental Floss Examples of HS codes and sub codes3306200000
Japanese電池なし Chinese无电池 EnglishWithout Battery Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japaneseテント Chinese帐篷 EnglishTent Examples of HS codes and sub codes6306220000
Japanese電動歯ブラシ Chinese电动牙刷 EnglishElectric Toothbrush Examples of HS codes and sub codes9603210000
Japaneseトースター Chinese烤面包机 EnglishToaster Examples of HS codes and sub codes8516720000
Japaneseトートバッグ Chinese托特包 EnglishTote bag Examples of HS codes and sub codes4202229090
Japanese砥石(手研ぎ用) Chinese磨石 EnglishGrindstone Examples of HS codes and sub codes6804300000
Japaneseトイレットペーパー Chinese厕纸 EnglishToilet Paper Examples of HS codes and sub codes4818109000
Japanese唐辛子 Chinese辣椒 EnglishRed Pepper Examples of HS codes and sub codes0904219080
Japanese道着(男性用 綿) Chinese道服(男式 棉) EnglishDogi (for men, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211329000
Japanese道着(男性用 人造繊維) Chinese道服(男式 人造纤维) EnglishDogi (for men, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211339000
Japanese道着(男性用 その他の繊維素材) Chinese道服(男式 其他纤维材料) EnglishDogi (for men, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211390090
Japanese道着(女性用 綿) Chinese道服(女式 棉) EnglishDogi (for women, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211429000
Japanese道着(女性用 人造繊維) Chinese道服(女式 人造纤维) EnglishDogi (for women, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211439000
Japanese道着(女性用 その他の繊維素材) Chinese道服(女式 其他纤维材料) EnglishDogi (for women, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211490000
Japanese陶器 Chinese陶器 EnglishPottery Examples of HS codes and sub codes6912002111
Japanese陶磁器 Chinese瓷器 EnglishCeramic Ware Examples of HS codes and sub codes6912002111
Japaneseトウシューズ(24cm未満) Chinese足尖鞋(不足24cm) EnglishPointe Shoes (less than 24 cm) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6403999110
Japaneseトウシューズ(24cm以上) Chinese足尖鞋(24cm(含)以上) EnglishPointe Shoes (more than 24 cm) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6403999310
Japaneseドッグフード Chinese狗粮 EnglishDog Food Examples of HS codes and sub codes2309109000
Japaneseトップコート Chinese亮油 EnglishTop Coat Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304300000
Japanese土鍋 Chinese砂锅 EnglishClay pot Examples of HS codes and sub codes6912002199
Japaneseドライイースト Chinese酵母粉 EnglishDry Yeast Examples of HS codes and sub codes2102103100
Japaneseドライフラワー Chinese干花 EnglishDried flower Examples of HS codes and sub codes0603900000
Japaneseドライフルーツ Chinese水果干 EnglishDried Fruit Examples of HS codes and sub codes0813409580
Japaneseドライブレコーダー Chinese行车记录仪 EnglishDrive Recorder Examples of HS codes and sub codes8519890000
Japaneseドライヤー Chinese吹风机 EnglishHair Dryer Examples of HS codes and sub codes8516310000
Japaneseドラムスティック Chinese鼓棒 EnglishDrumsticks Examples of HS codes and sub codes9209997000
Japaneseどら焼き Chinese铜锣烧 EnglishBean-Jam Pancake Examples of HS codes and sub codes1901909990
Japaneseトランペット Chinese小号 EnglishTrumpet Examples of HS codes and sub codes9205100000
Japaneseトリートメント Chinese头发护理产品(焗油膏、发膜等) EnglishHair Treatment Products Examples of HS codes and sub codes3305900000
Japaneseトレー Chinese托盘 EnglishTray Examples of HS codes and sub codes3924100090
Japaneseトレーディングカード Chinese卡牌 EnglishTrading Card Examples of HS codes and sub codes9504400000
Japaneseトレーナー(男性用 綿) Chinese运动衫(男式 棉) EnglishSweatshirt (for men, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110209100
Japaneseトレーナー(男性用 人造繊維) Chinese运动衫(男式 人造纤维) EnglishSweatshirt (for men, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110309100
Japaneseトレーナー(男性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese运动衫(男式 其他纤维材料) EnglishSweatshirt (for men, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110909090
Japaneseトレーナー(女性用 綿) Chinese运动衫(女式 棉) EnglishSweatshirt (for women, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110209900
Japaneseトレーナー(女性用 人造繊維) Chinese运动衫(女式 人造纤维) EnglishSweatshirt (for women, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110309900
Japaneseトレーナー(女性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese运动衫(女式 其他纤维材料) EnglishSweatshirt (for women, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110909090
Japaneseドレス(綿) Chinese女式礼服(棉) EnglishDress (cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6104420000
Japaneseドレス(合成繊維) Chinese女式礼服(合成纤维) EnglishDress (synthetic fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6104430000
Japaneseドレス(その他繊維素材) Chinese女式礼服(其他纤维材料) EnglishDress (other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6104490000
Japaneseトレッキングポール Chinese登山杖 EnglishTrekking pole Examples of HS codes and sub codes6602000090
Japaneseドレッシング Chinese沙拉酱 EnglishDressing Examples of HS codes and sub codes2103909089
Japaneseドローン Chinese无人机 EnglishDrone Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503009990
Japaneseとろろ昆布 Chinese薯蓣昆布(干海带丝) EnglishKelp with Grated Yam Examples of HS codes and sub codes1212210000
Japaneseトング Chinese夹子 EnglishKitchen Tong Examples of HS codes and sub codes8215999000
Japaneseナイフ Chinese刀具 EnglishKnife Examples of HS codes and sub codes8210000000
Japanese長靴 Chinese高筒靴 EnglishBoots Examples of HS codes and sub codes6401921000
Japanese Chinese EnglishPear Examples of HS codes and sub codes0808309090
Japaneseナッツ Chinese坚果 EnglishNuts Examples of HS codes and sub codes0813509980
Japaneseナプキン(生理用品) Chinese卫生巾 EnglishSanitary Towel Examples of HS codes and sub codes9619007100
Japaneseなべ Chinese锅具 EnglishPot Examples of HS codes and sub codes6911100090
Japanese鍋(ステンレス) Chinese锅(不锈钢制) EnglishPots (stainless steel) Examples of HS codes and sub codes7323930090
Japanese鍋(アルミ) Chinese EnglishPots (aluminium) Examples of HS codes and sub codes7615108090
Japanese鍋(鋳鉄ほうろう) Chinese锅(搪瓷) EnglishPots (enamel) Examples of HS codes and sub codes7323920000
Japanese縄跳び Chinese跳绳 EnglishJump rope Examples of HS codes and sub codes9506999000
Japanese軟こう Chinese软膏 EnglishOintment Examples of HS codes and sub codes3004900000
Japaneseニット帽 Chinese针织帽 EnglishBeanie Examples of HS codes and sub codes6505009090
Japaneseにぼし Chinese小干鱼 EnglishDried Boiled Fish Examples of HS codes and sub codes0305598590
Japanese日本酒 Chinese日本清酒 EnglishJapanese Rice Wine Examples of HS codes and sub codes2206005900
Japanese日本人形 Chinese日本人偶 EnglishJapanese Doll Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503002110
Japanese乳液 Chinese乳液 EnglishMilky Lotion Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304990000
Japanese乳児用の Chinese婴儿用 Englishfor Babies Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japanese入浴剤 Chinese沐浴剂 EnglishBath Powder Examples of HS codes and sub codes3307300000
Japanese人形 Chinese玩偶 EnglishDoll Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503002190
Japaneseぬいぐるみ Chinese布制玩偶 EnglishStuffed Doll Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503004100
Japanese縫い針 Chinese缝纫针 EnglishSewing Needle Examples of HS codes and sub codes7319901000
Japanese布製の Chinese布制 EnglishFabric Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japanese塗り絵 Chinese涂色画 EnglishColoring Book Examples of HS codes and sub codes4903000000
Japaneseネームタグ Chinese姓名牌 EnglishName tag Examples of HS codes and sub codes5807109000
Japaneseネイルオイル Chinese护甲油 EnglishNail Oil Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304300000
Japaneseネイルチップ Chinese甲片 EnglishNail Tips Examples of HS codes and sub codes3926909790
Japaneseネイルファイル(爪やすり) Chinese指甲锉 EnglishNail File Examples of HS codes and sub codes8214200000
Japaneseネイルブラシ Chinese指甲刷 EnglishNail Brush Examples of HS codes and sub codes9603309000
Japaneseネクタイ(絹) Chinese领带(丝绸) EnglishTie (silk) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6215100090
Japaneseネクタイ(人造繊維) Chinese领带(人造纤维) EnglishTie (man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6215200090
Japaneseネクタイ(その他繊維素材) Chinese领带(其他纤维材料) EnglishTie (other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6215900090
Japaneseネックレス Chinese项链 EnglishNecklace Examples of HS codes and sub codes7113190000
Japanese寝袋 Chinese睡袋 EnglishSleeping Bag Examples of HS codes and sub codes9404300000
Japanese燃料なし Chinese无燃料 EnglishNo Fuel Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japaneseノート Chinese笔记本 EnglishNotebook Examples of HS codes and sub codes4820103000
Japaneseノートパソコン Chinese笔记本电脑 EnglishLaptop Computer Examples of HS codes and sub codes8471300000
Japaneseのど飴 Chinese润喉糖 EnglishThroat Lozenge Examples of HS codes and sub codes1704905500
Japanese海苔 Chinese海苔 EnglishLaver Examples of HS codes and sub codes1212210000
Japaneseパーカー(男性用 羊毛) Chinese连帽衫(男式 羊毛) EnglishHoodie (for men, wool) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110113000
Japaneseパーカー(男性用 綿) Chinese连帽衫(男式 棉) EnglishHoodie (for men, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110209100
Japaneseパーカー(男性用 人造繊維) Chinese连帽衫(男式 人造纤维) EnglishHoodie (for men, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110309100
Japaneseパーカー(男性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese连帽衫(男式 其他纤维材料) EnglishHoodie (for men, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110909090
Japaneseパーカー(女性用 羊毛) Chinese连帽衫(女式 羊毛) EnglishHoodie (for women, wool) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110119000
Japaneseパーカー(女性用 綿) Chinese连帽衫(女式 棉) EnglishHoodie (for women, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110209900
Japaneseパーカー(女性用 人造繊維) Chinese连帽衫(女式 人造纤维) EnglishHoodie (for women, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110309900
Japaneseパーカー(女性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese连帽衫(女式 其他纤维材料) EnglishHoodie (for women, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110909090
Japaneseハーモニカ Chinese口琴 EnglishHarmonica Examples of HS codes and sub codes9205903000
Japaneseバイクカバー Chinese摩托车车罩 EnglishVehicle covers Examples of HS codes and sub codes3926909720
Japanese灰皿(ステンレス製) Chinese烟灰缸(不锈钢制) EnglishAshtray (stainless steel) Examples of HS codes and sub codes7323930090
Japanese灰皿(ガラス製) Chinese烟灰缸(玻璃制) EnglishAshtray (glass) Examples of HS codes and sub codes7013990090
Japanese灰皿(陶磁器) Chinese烟灰缸(陶瓷制) EnglishAshtray (ceramic) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6911900000
Japaneseハイライター(液体) Chinese高光膏 EnglishFace Highlighter (Liquid) Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304990000
Japaneseハイライター(パウダー) Chinese高光粉 EnglishFace Highlighter (Powder) Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304910000
Japaneseバインダー Chinese活页夹 EnglishBinder Examples of HS codes and sub codes3926100000
Japaneseバウンサー Chinese婴儿摇椅 EnglishBaby Bouncers Examples of HS codes and sub codes9401490000
Japanese羽織(男性用 綿) Chinese和服外褂(男式 棉) EnglishHaori Coat (for men, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6101201000
Japanese羽織(男性用 人造繊維) Chinese和服外褂(男式 人造纤维) EnglishHaori Coat (for men, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6101301000
Japanese羽織(男性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese和服外褂(男式 其他纤维材料) EnglishHaori Coat (for men, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6101902090
Japanese羽織(女性用 綿) Chinese和服外褂(女式 棉) EnglishHaori Coat (for women, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6102201000
Japanese羽織(女性用 人造繊維) Chinese和服外褂(女式 人造纤维) EnglishHaori Coat (for women, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6102301000
Japanese羽織(女性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese和服外褂(女式 其他纤维材料) EnglishHaori Coat (for women, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6102901000
Japanese袴(男性用 綿) Chinese袴(男式 棉) EnglishHakama Pants (for men, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6203423500
Japanese袴(男性用 合成繊維) Chinese袴(男式 合成纤维) EnglishHakama Pants (for men, synthetic fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6203431900
Japanese袴(男性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese袴(男式 其他纤维材料) EnglishHakama Pants (for men, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6203499000
Japanese袴(女性用 綿) Chinese袴(女式 棉) EnglishHakama Pants (for women, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6204623990
Japanese袴(女性用 合成繊維) Chinese袴(女式 合成纤维) EnglishHakama Pants (for women, synthetic fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6204631890
Japanese袴(女性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese袴(女式 其他纤维材料) EnglishHakama Pants (for women, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6204699090
Japanese薄力粉 Chinese低筋面粉 EnglishWeak Flour Examples of HS codes and sub codes1107109100
Japanese箱(プラスチック製) Chinese箱子(塑料制) EnglishBox (plastic) Examples of HS codes and sub codes3923109090
Japanese箱(木製) Chinese箱子(木制) EnglishBox (wood) Examples of HS codes and sub codes4415101000
Japanese箱(紙製) Chinese箱子(纸制) EnglishBox (paper) Examples of HS codes and sub codes4819200000
Japanese羽子板 Chinese毽球板 EnglishSmall Racket Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503009910
Japaneseはさみ Chinese剪刀 EnglishScissors Examples of HS codes and sub codes8213000000
Japaneseはし Chinese筷子 EnglishChopsticks Examples of HS codes and sub codes4419120000
Japanese箸置き(プラスチック製) Chinese筷架(塑料制) EnglishCutlery Rest (plastic) Examples of HS codes and sub codes3924100090
Japanese箸置き(陶器製) Chinese筷架(陶制) EnglishCutlery Rest (pottery) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6912002191
Japaneseパジャマ(男性用 綿) Chinese睡衣(男式 棉) EnglishPajama (for men, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6207210000
Japaneseパジャマ(男性用 人造繊維) Chinese睡衣(男式 人造纤维) EnglishPajama (for men, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6207220000
Japaneseパジャマ(男性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese睡衣(男式 其他纤维材料) EnglishPajama (for men, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6207290000
Japaneseパジャマ(女性用 綿) Chinese睡衣(女式 棉) EnglishPajama (for women, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6208210000
Japaneseパジャマ(女性用 人造繊維) Chinese睡衣(女式 人造纤维) EnglishPajama (for women, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6208220000
Japaneseパジャマ(女性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese睡衣(女式 其他纤维材料) EnglishPajama (for women, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6208290000
Japaneseパスケース Chinese卡包 EnglishPass Case Examples of HS codes and sub codes4202390090
Japaneseバスケットシューズ Chinese篮球鞋 EnglishBasketball Shoes Examples of HS codes and sub codes6404110000
Japaneseバスソルト Chinese浴盐 EnglishBath Salt Examples of HS codes and sub codes3307300000
Japaneseパスタ Chinese意大利面 EnglishPasta Examples of HS codes and sub codes1902199090
Japaneseバスボム Chinese入浴球 EnglishBath Bomb Examples of HS codes and sub codes3307300000
Japaneseバスマット Chinese浴垫 EnglishBath Mat Examples of HS codes and sub codes5703299900
Japaneseパズル(おもちゃ) Chinese拼图玩具 EnglishPuzzle Toy Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503006190
Japaneseパソコン Chinese电脑 EnglishPersonal Computer Examples of HS codes and sub codes8470290000
Japaneseハチミツ Chinese蜂蜜 EnglishHoney Examples of HS codes and sub codes0409000000
Japaneseバッグ(革製) Chinese包(皮制) EnglishBag (leather) Examples of HS codes and sub codes4202210090
Japaneseバッグ(布、繊維素材) Chinese包(布、纤维材料) EnglishBag (fabric, textile material) Examples of HS codes and sub codes4202229090
Japaneseバッグ(プラスチック製) Chinese包(塑料制) EnglishBag (plastic) Examples of HS codes and sub codes4202221000
Japaneseバッグ(その他素材) Chinese包(其他材料) EnglishBag (other material) Examples of HS codes and sub codes4202290000
Japaneseパック Chinese面膜 EnglishFace Pack Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304990000
Japaneseパックご飯 Chinese速食米饭 EnglishCooked Rice Pack Examples of HS codes and sub codes1904103000
Japaneseバックパック Chinese双肩包 EnglishBackpack Examples of HS codes and sub codes4202911090
Japaneseバッジ Chinese徽章 EnglishBadge Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503009990
Japaneseバット Chinese球拍 EnglishBat Examples of HS codes and sub codes9506999000
Japanese法被(男性用) Chinese法被(日式短外衣)(男式) EnglishHappi Coat (for men) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6201301099
Japanese法被(女性用) Chinese法被(日式短外衣)(女式) EnglishHappi Coat (for women) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6202301099
Japanese歯ブラシ Chinese牙刷 EnglishToothbrush Examples of HS codes and sub codes9603210000
Japanese歯磨き粉 Chinese牙膏 EnglishToothpaste Examples of HS codes and sub codes3306100000
Japaneseバルブ(自動車) Chinese阀门 EnglishValve Examples of HS codes and sub codes8481309199
Japaneseパレオ Chinese帕里欧(缠腰裙) EnglishPareo Swimsuit Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211120000
Japaneseバレッタ Chinese发夹 EnglishHairpin Examples of HS codes and sub codes9615110000
Japaneseハンガー Chinese衣架 EnglishHanger Examples of HS codes and sub codes3924900090
Japaneseハンカチ(綿) Chinese手帕(棉) EnglishHandkerchief (cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6213200090
Japaneseハンカチ(その他繊維素材) Chinese手帕(其他纤维材料) EnglishHandkerchief (other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6213900090
Japaneseハンコ Chinese印章 EnglishStamp Examples of HS codes and sub codes9611000000
Japanese絆創膏 Chinese创可贴 EnglishAdhesive Bandage Examples of HS codes and sub codes3005100000
Japaneseパンツ(下着 男性用 綿) Chinese内裤(男式 棉) EnglishUnderpants (for men, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6207110000
Japaneseパンツ(下着 男性用 人造繊維) Chinese内裤(男式 人造纤维) EnglishUnderpants (for men, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6107120000
Japaneseパンツ(下着 男性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese内裤(男式 其他纤维材料) EnglishUnderpants (for men, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6207190000
Japaneseパンツ(下着 女性用 綿) Chinese内裤(女式 棉) EnglishUnderpants (for women, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6108210000
Japaneseパンツ(下着 女性用 人造繊維) Chinese内裤(女式 人造纤维) EnglishUnderpants (for women, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6108220000
Japaneseパンツ(下着 女性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese内裤(女式 其他纤维材料) EnglishUnderpants (for women, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6108290000
Japaneseハンディファン Chinese手持式风扇 EnglishHandy Fan Examples of HS codes and sub codes8414510090
Japaneseはんてん(綿入れ 男性用) Chinese棉背心(男式) EnglishShort Coat (for men) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6201301099
Japaneseはんてん(綿入れ 女性用) Chinese棉背心(女式) EnglishShort Coat (for women) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6202301099
Japaneseハンドクリーム Chinese护手霜 EnglishHand Cream Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304990000
Japaneseハンドソープ Chinese洗手液 EnglishHand Soap Examples of HS codes and sub codes3401300000
Japaneseハンドバッグ(革製) Chinese手提包(皮制) EnglishHandbag (leather) Examples of HS codes and sub codes4202210090
Japaneseハンドバッグ(布、繊維素材) Chinese手提包(布、纤维材料) EnglishHandbag (fabric, textile material) Examples of HS codes and sub codes4202229090
Japaneseハンドバッグ(プラスチック製) Chinese手提包(塑料制) EnglishHandbag (plastic) Examples of HS codes and sub codes4202221000
Japaneseハンドバッグ(その他素材) Chinese手提包(其他材料) EnglishHandbag (other material) Examples of HS codes and sub codes4202290000
Japaneseパンプス(24cm未満) Chinese浅口高跟鞋(不足24cm) EnglishPump Shoes (less than 24 cm) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6403599100
Japaneseパンプス(24cm以上) Chinese浅口高跟鞋(24cm(含)以上) EnglishPump Shoes (more than 24 cm) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6403599900
Japaneseパンフレット Chinese宣传手册 EnglishPamphlet Examples of HS codes and sub codes4901990000
Japaneseビーズ(ガラス製) Chinese浴珠(玻璃制) EnglishBeads (glass) Examples of HS codes and sub codes7018101990
Japaneseビーニー Chinese针织帽(无翻折) EnglishBeanie Examples of HS codes and sub codes6505009090
JapaneseBBクリーム ChineseBB霜 EnglishBB Cream Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304990000
Japaneseピーラー Chinese削皮器 EnglishPeeler Examples of HS codes and sub codes8210000000
Japaneseビール Chinese啤酒 EnglishBeer Examples of HS codes and sub codes2203000900
Japaneseビールサーバー Chinese扎啤机 EnglishBeer Dispenser Examples of HS codes and sub codes8418690099
Japaneseピアス Chinese耳钉 EnglishEarring Examples of HS codes and sub codes7114200000
Japanese美顔器 Chinese美容仪 EnglishFacial Machine Examples of HS codes and sub codes8543709099
Japaneseビキニ Chinese比基尼 EnglishBikini Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211120000
Japanese髭剃り(かみそり) Chinese刮胡子(剃刀) EnglishRazor Examples of HS codes and sub codes8212109000
Japanese髭剃り(電気シェーバー) Chinese电动剃须刀 EnglishShaver Examples of HS codes and sub codes8510100000
Japanese膝サポーター Chinese护膝 EnglishKnee supporter Examples of HS codes and sub codes6406909090
Japaneseひじき Chinese羊栖菜 EnglishHijiki Seaweed Examples of HS codes and sub codes1212210000
Japaneseビスケット Chinese饼干 EnglishBiscuit Examples of HS codes and sub codes1905904500
Japaneseピスタチオ Chinese开心果 EnglishPistachio Examples of HS codes and sub codes2008191320
Japaneseビタミン剤 Chinese维生素剂 EnglishVitamin Tablet Examples of HS codes and sub codes2106902090
Japaneseピッケル Chinese冰镐 EnglishIce axe Examples of HS codes and sub codes9506999000
Japanese非伝染性の物質 Chinese非传染性物质 EnglishNot Infectious Substance Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japanese雛人形 Chinese小人偶 EnglishJapanese doll Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503002110
Japaneseビニール製の Chinese乙烯基塑料制 EnglishVinyl Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japanese避妊具 Chinese避孕器具 EnglishContraceptive Device Examples of HS codes and sub codes4014100000
Japaneseビネガー Chinese EnglishVinegar Examples of HS codes and sub codes2209009100
Japaneseビブス Chinese号码布 EnglishTraining bib Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110309900
Japanese干物(魚介) Chinese鱼干 EnglishDried Fish Examples of HS codes and sub codes0305598590
Japanese【原則引受不可】日焼け止め Chinese【原则上无法受理】防晒霜 English【Not acceptable in general】Sunblock Lotion Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304990000
Japanese美容液 Chinese精华液 EnglishSerums Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304990000
Japaneseピル(避妊薬) Chinese避孕药 EnglishPills (contraceptive pills) Examples of HS codes and sub codes3006600000
Japaneseピンセット Chinese镊子 EnglishTweezers Examples of HS codes and sub codes8203200000
Japaneseピンバッジ Chinese胸针 EnglishPin Badge Examples of HS codes and sub codes8306290000
Japanese Chinese面筋 EnglishWheat Gluten Cake Examples of HS codes and sub codes1109000000
Japaneseブーツ(男性用 24cm未満) Chinese靴子(男式 不足24cm) EnglishBoots (for men, less than 24 cm) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6403911190
Japaneseブーツ(男性用 24cm以上) Chinese靴子(男式 24cm(含)以上) EnglishBoots (for men, more than 24 cm) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6403911690
Japaneseブーツ(女性用 24cm未満) Chinese靴子(女式 不足24cm) EnglishBoots (for women, less than 24 cm) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6403911190
Japaneseブーツ(女性用 24cm以上) Chinese靴子(女式 24cm(含)以上) EnglishBoots (for women, more than 24 cm) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6403911890
Japaneseフードコンテナ Chinese保鲜盒 EnglishFood container Examples of HS codes and sub codes3924100090
Japaneseファンデーション(液体) Chinese粉底(液体) EnglishFoundation Makeup (Liquid) Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304990000
Japaneseファンデーション(パウダー) Chinese粉底(粉饼) EnglishFoundation Makeup (Powder) Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304910000
Japaneseフィギュア Chinese人物模型 EnglishFigure Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503002190
Japaneseフィルム Chinese胶片 EnglishFilm Examples of HS codes and sub codes3701200000
Japanese風船 Chinese气球 EnglishBalloon Examples of HS codes and sub codes3926400000
Japaneseフェイスクリーム Chinese面霜 EnglishFace Cream Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304990000
Japaneseフェイスクレンザー Chinese洁面仪 EnglishFace Cleanser Examples of HS codes and sub codes3401300000
Japaneseフェイスコットン Chinese一次性洁面巾 EnglishFace Cotton Examples of HS codes and sub codes4818201000
Japaneseフェイスミルク Chinese洗面奶 EnglishFace Milk Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304990000
Japaneseフォーク Chinese叉子 EnglishFork Examples of HS codes and sub codes8215991000
Japaneseフォームローラー Chinese泡沫轴 EnglishFoam Rollers Examples of HS codes and sub codes9506919000
Japaneseフォルダ Chinese文件夹 EnglishFolder Examples of HS codes and sub codes4820300000
Japaneseふきん Chinese擦碗布 EnglishDish Cloth Examples of HS codes and sub codes6307109090
Japaneseふせん Chinese便签纸 EnglishLabel Examples of HS codes and sub codes4820103000
Japaneseブックレット Chinese小册子 EnglishBooklet Examples of HS codes and sub codes4901990000
Japanese Chinese毛笔 EnglishWriting Brush Examples of HS codes and sub codes9603301000
Japanese筆箱(革) Chinese笔盒(皮制) EnglishPencil case (leather) Examples of HS codes and sub codes4202310090
Japanese筆箱(繊維素材) Chinese笔盒(纤维材料) EnglishPencil case (textile material) Examples of HS codes and sub codes4202329090
Japaneseぶどう Chinese葡萄 EnglishGrape Examples of HS codes and sub codes0806109000
Japanese布団 Chinese被子 EnglishBedding Examples of HS codes and sub codes9404401000
Japanese布団カバー Chinese被套 EnglishBedspread Examples of HS codes and sub codes6304191090
Japanese不燃性の Chinese不燃性 EnglishNonflammable Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japaneseフライ返し Chinese漏铲 EnglishSpatula Examples of HS codes and sub codes8215999000
Japaneseフライパン Chinese平底锅 EnglishPan Examples of HS codes and sub codes7323990090
Japaneseブラウス(綿) Chinese女式罩衫(棉) EnglishBlouse (cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6106100000
Japaneseブラウス(人造繊維) Chinese女式罩衫(人造纤维) EnglishBlouse (man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6106200000
Japaneseブラウス(羊毛) Chinese女式罩衫(羊毛) EnglishBlouse (wool) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6106901000
Japaneseブラウス(絹) Chinese女式罩衫(丝绸) EnglishBlouse (silk) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6106903000
Japaneseブラウス(その他繊維素材) Chinese女式罩衫(其他纤维材料) EnglishBlouse (other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6106909000
Japaneseブラシ Chinese刷子 EnglishBrush Examples of HS codes and sub codes9603909100
Japaneseブラジャー Chinese文胸 EnglishBrassiere Examples of HS codes and sub codes6212109000
Japaneseプラスチックケース Chinese塑料盒 EnglishPlastic Case Examples of HS codes and sub codes3926909790
Japaneseプラスチック製の Chinese塑料制 EnglishPlastic Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japaneseプラモデル Chinese塑料模型 EnglishPlastic Model Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503003500
Japaneseブランケット Chinese毛毯 EnglishBlanket Examples of HS codes and sub codes6301209090
Japaneseふりかけ Chinese拌饭料 EnglishRice Seasoning Examples of HS codes and sub codes2106902090
Japaneseプリザーブドフラワー Chinese永生花 EnglishPreserved Flower Examples of HS codes and sub codes0603900000
Japanese振袖(絹) Chinese长袖和服(丝绸) EnglishLong Sleeved Kimono (silk) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6204420090
Japanese振袖(合成繊維) Chinese长袖和服(合成纤维) EnglishLong Sleeved Kimono (synthetic fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6204430000
JapaneseBlu-rayディスク Chinese蓝光光盘 EnglishBlu-Ray Disc Examples of HS codes and sub codes8523492000
Japaneseプルーン Chinese西梅 EnglishPrunes Examples of HS codes and sub codes0813200000
Japaneseブレーキオイル Chinese制动液 EnglishCrake fluid Examples of HS codes and sub codes3819000090
Japaneseプレート(食器) Chinese盘子 EnglishPlate Examples of HS codes and sub codes7323990090
Japaneseフレーム(自動車) Chinese框架 EnglishVehicle body frame Examples of HS codes and sub codes8708299000
Japaneseブレスレット Chinese手镯 EnglishBracelet Examples of HS codes and sub codes7117190090
Japaneseブローチ Chinese胸针 EnglishBroach Examples of HS codes and sub codes7113190000
Japaneseプロセスチーズ Chinese再制奶酪 EnglishProcessed cheese Examples of HS codes and sub codes0406301090
Japaneseブロック(おもちゃ) Chinese积木玩具 EnglishPlastic Brick Toy Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503003500
Japaneseフロッピーディスク Chinese软磁盘 EnglishFloppy Disk Examples of HS codes and sub codes8471708000
Japaneseプロテイン Chinese蛋白粉 EnglishProtein Powder Examples of HS codes and sub codes2106108070
Japanese文鎮 Chinese镇纸 EnglishPaperweight Examples of HS codes and sub codes8304000000
Japanese分度器 Chinese量角器 EnglishProtractor Examples of HS codes and sub codes9017201000
Japaneseベースコート Chinese底油 EnglishBase Coat Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304300000
Japaneseペーパータオル Chinese纸巾 EnglishPaper Towel Examples of HS codes and sub codes4818209900
Japaneseヘアーカーラー Chinese卷发器 EnglishHair curler Examples of HS codes and sub codes9615900000
Japaneseヘアアイロン Chinese烫发器 EnglishHair Iron Examples of HS codes and sub codes8516320000
Japanese【原則引受不可】ヘアカラー Chinese【原则不能作寄送】毛发染料 English【Not acceptable in general】Hair Color Examples of HS codes and sub codes3305900000
Japaneseヘアクリップ Chinese发夹 EnglishBarrette Examples of HS codes and sub codes9615900000
Japaneseヘアゴム Chinese发胶 Englishhair tie Examples of HS codes and sub codes9615900000
Japanese【原則引受不可】ヘアトニック Chinese【原则上无法受理】生发液 English【Not acceptable in general】Hair Tonic Examples of HS codes and sub codes3305900000
Japaneseヘアバンド Chinese发带 EnglishHair Band Examples of HS codes and sub codes9615190000
Japaneseヘアピン Chinese发卡 EnglishHairpin Examples of HS codes and sub codes9615190000
Japaneseヘアブラシ Chinese梳子 EnglishHair Brush Examples of HS codes and sub codes9603293000
Japaneseペグ(楽器の部品) Chinese挂钉 EnglishPeg Examples of HS codes and sub codes9209920000
Japaneseペグ(テント用) Chinese地钉 EnglishPeg Examples of HS codes and sub codes7317008000
Japaneseベスト(女性用 カシミヤ毛) Chinese背心(女式 羊绒毛) EnglishVest (for women, cashmere) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110129090
Japaneseベスト(女性用 綿) Chinese背心(女式 棉) EnglishVest (for women, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110209900
Japaneseベスト(女性用 人造繊維) Chinese背心(女式 人造纤维) EnglishVest (for women, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110309900
Japaneseベスト(女性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese背心(女式) EnglishVest (for women, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110909090
Japaneseベスト(男性用 羊毛) Chinese背心(男式 羊毛) EnglishVest (for men, wool) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110113000
Japaneseベスト(男性用 カシミヤ毛) Chinese背心(男式 羊绒毛) EnglishVest (for men, cashmere) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110121090
Japaneseベスト(男性用 綿) Chinese背心(男式 棉) EnglishVest (for men, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110209100
Japaneseベスト(男性用 人造繊維) Chinese背心(男式 人造纤维) EnglishVest (for men, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110309100
Japaneseベスト(男性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese背心(男式) EnglishVest (for men, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110909090
Japaneseベスト(女性用 羊毛) Chinese背心(女式 羊毛) EnglishVest (for women, wool) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110119000
Japaneseペダル Chinese踏板 EnglishPedal Examples of HS codes and sub codes8714961010
Japaneseベッドカバー Chinese床罩 EnglishBedspread Examples of HS codes and sub codes9404409000
Japaneseヘッドバンド Chinese头带 EnglishHeadband Examples of HS codes and sub codes6117100000
Japaneseペットフード Chinese宠物食品 EnglishPet Food Examples of HS codes and sub codes2309101100
Japaneseヘッドフォン Chinese耳机 EnglishHeadphone Examples of HS codes and sub codes8518300090
Japaneseペットボトル Chinese塑料瓶 EnglishPlastic bottle Examples of HS codes and sub codes3923301000
Japaneseヘッドホン Chinese头戴式耳机 EnglishHeadphone Examples of HS codes and sub codes8518300090
Japaneseヘッドライト/テールランプ(自動車) Chinese汽车用前照灯 汽车用尾灯 EnglishCar headlight/car taillight (taillamp) Examples of HS codes and sub codes9405499090
Japaneseペニシリン Chinese青霉素 EnglishPenicillin Examples of HS codes and sub codes3004100000
Japaneseベビーウェア(綿) Chinese婴儿服(棉) EnglishBabywear (cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6209200090
Japaneseベビーウェア(合成繊維) Chinese婴儿服(合成纤维) EnglishBabywear (synthetic fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6209300090
Japaneseベビーウェア(羊毛) Chinese婴儿服(羊毛) EnglishBabywear (wool) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6209901090
Japaneseベビーウェア(その他繊維素材) Chinese婴儿服(其他纤维材料) EnglishBabywear (other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6209909090
Japaneseベビーカー Chinese婴儿车 EnglishBaby Carriage Examples of HS codes and sub codes8715001000
Japaneseベビーサークル Chinese婴儿围栏 EnglishPlaypen Examples of HS codes and sub codes9403700000
Japaneseベビースリング Chinese婴儿背带 EnglishBaby sling Examples of HS codes and sub codes6307909899
Japaneseベビーフード Chinese婴儿食品 EnglishBaby Food Examples of HS codes and sub codes1901100000
Japaneseベビーベッド Chinese婴儿床 EnglishCrib Examples of HS codes and sub codes9404909000
Japaneseベルト Chinese腰带 EnglishBelt Examples of HS codes and sub codes4203300090
Japaneseヘルメット Chinese头盔 EnglishHelmet Examples of HS codes and sub codes6506101000
Japaneseペン Chinese EnglishPen Examples of HS codes and sub codes9608200000
Japanese変圧器 Chinese变压器 EnglishPower Transformer Examples of HS codes and sub codes8504409090
Japaneseペンダント Chinese吊坠 EnglishPendant Examples of HS codes and sub codes7113190000
Japanese弁当箱 Chinese便当盒 EnglishLunch Box Examples of HS codes and sub codes3924100090
Japanese便秘薬 Chinese通便剂 EnglishLaxative Examples of HS codes and sub codes3004900000
Japaneseペンライト Chinese荧光棒 EnglishPenlight Examples of HS codes and sub codes9405494000
Japaneseポーチ(革製) Chinese小手包(皮制) EnglishPouch Bag (leather) Examples of HS codes and sub codes4202310090
Japaneseポーチ(布、繊維素材) Chinese小手包(布、纤维材料) EnglishPouch Bag (fabric, textile material) Examples of HS codes and sub codes4202329090
Japaneseポーチ(プラスチック製) Chinese小手包(塑料制) EnglishPouch Bag (plastic) Examples of HS codes and sub codes4202321000
Japaneseポーチ(その他素材) Chinese小手包(其他材料) EnglishPouch Bag (other material) Examples of HS codes and sub codes4202390090
Japaneseボードゲーム Chinese桌游 EnglishBoard Game Examples of HS codes and sub codes9504908000
Japaneseボール Chinese EnglishBall Examples of HS codes and sub codes9506699000
Japaneseボールペン Chinese圆珠笔 EnglishBall-Point Pen Examples of HS codes and sub codes9608101000
Japaneseホイール(自動車) Chinese车轮(汽车) EnglishWheel (for Cars) Examples of HS codes and sub codes8708705050
Japaneseホイール(自転車) Chinese轮子(自行车) EnglishWheel (for Bicycles) Examples of HS codes and sub codes8714999019
Japaneseホイッスル Chinese口哨 EnglishWhistle Examples of HS codes and sub codes9208900000
Japanese望遠鏡 Chinese望远镜 EnglishTelescope Examples of HS codes and sub codes9005800000
Japaneseほうき Chinese扫帚 EnglishBroom Examples of HS codes and sub codes9603100000
Japanese芳香剤 Chinese芳香剂 EnglishAir Freshener Examples of HS codes and sub codes3307490090
Japanese帽子 Chinese帽子 EnglishHat Examples of HS codes and sub codes6505009090
Japaneseほうじ茶 Chinese焙茶 EnglishRoasted Green Tea Examples of HS codes and sub codes0902400000
Japanese包帯 Chinese绷带 EnglishBandage Examples of HS codes and sub codes3005905000
Japanese包丁 Chinese菜刀 EnglishKitchen Knife Examples of HS codes and sub codes8211910000
Japaneseボウル(プラスチック製) Chinese碗(塑料制) EnglishBowl (plastic) Examples of HS codes and sub codes3924100090
Japaneseボウル(陶器製) Chinese碗(陶制) EnglishBowl (pottery) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6911100090
Japaneseボウル(ステンレス製) Chinese碗(不锈钢制) EnglishBowl (stainless steel) Examples of HS codes and sub codes7323990090
Japaneseボウル(ガラス製) Chinese碗(玻璃制) EnglishBowl (glass) Examples of HS codes and sub codes7013419000
Japanese墨汁 Chinese墨汁 EnglishJapanese calligraphy ink Examples of HS codes and sub codes3215907090
Japanese干し〇〇 Chinese〇〇干 EnglishDried 〇〇 Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japanese干し芋 Chinese红薯干 EnglishDried sweet potato Examples of HS codes and sub codes2005998098
Japanese干し椎茸 Chinese香菇干 EnglishDried Mushroom Examples of HS codes and sub codes0712340031
Japanese保湿剤 Chinese保湿剂 EnglishMoisturizer Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304990000
Japaneseポスター Chinese海报 EnglishPoster Examples of HS codes and sub codes4901100000
Japaneseポストカード Chinese明信片 EnglishPostcard Examples of HS codes and sub codes4909000000
Japaneseボタン Chinese纽扣 EnglishButton Examples of HS codes and sub codes9606210000
Japaneseボタン電池 Chinese纽扣电池 EnglishCoin Battery Examples of HS codes and sub codes8506503090
Japaneseホチキス Chinese订书机 EnglishStapler Examples of HS codes and sub codes8472908000
Japaneseホットケーキミックス Chinese松饼粉 EnglishPancake Mix Examples of HS codes and sub codes1901200000
Japaneseホットプレート Chinese电烤盘 EnglishHot Plate Examples of HS codes and sub codes8516605000
Japaneseボディクリーム Chinese润肤霜 EnglishBody Cream Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304990000
Japaneseボディソープ Chinese沐浴露 EnglishBody Soap Examples of HS codes and sub codes3401300000
Japaneseボディミルク Chinese身体乳 EnglishBody Milk Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304990000
Japaneseポテトチップス Chinese薯片 EnglishPotato Chips Examples of HS codes and sub codes2005202000
Japaneseボトル(プラスチック製) Chinese瓶子(塑料制) EnglishBottle (plastic) Examples of HS codes and sub codes3924100090
Japaneseボトル(陶磁器製) Chinese瓶子(陶瓷制) EnglishBottle (ceramic) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6911100090
Japaneseボトル(ステンレス製) Chinese瓶子(不锈钢制) EnglishBottle (stainless steel) Examples of HS codes and sub codes7323990090
Japaneseボトル(真空タイプの魔法瓶) Chinese瓶子(真空型保温瓶) EnglishBottle (glass for vacuum thermos) Examples of HS codes and sub codes9617000000
Japaneseボトル(ガラス製) Chinese瓶子(玻璃制) EnglishBottle (glass) Examples of HS codes and sub codes7013499900
Japanese哺乳瓶(プラスチック製) Chinese奶瓶(塑料制) EnglishBaby Bottle (plastic) Examples of HS codes and sub codes3924100020
Japanese哺乳瓶(陶磁器製) Chinese奶瓶(陶瓷制) EnglishBaby Bottle (ceramic) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6911100090
Japanese哺乳瓶(ステンレス製) Chinese奶瓶(不锈钢制) EnglishBaby Bottle (stainless steel) Examples of HS codes and sub codes7323990090
Japanese哺乳瓶(ガラス製) Chinese奶瓶(玻璃制) EnglishBaby Bottle (glass) Examples of HS codes and sub codes7013499900
Japanese保冷材 Chinese保冷剂 EnglishCold pack refrigerant Examples of HS codes and sub codes3824999699
Japanese保冷バッグ Chinese保冷袋 EnglishCooling bag Examples of HS codes and sub codes4202990090
Japaneseポロシャツ(綿) ChinesePOLO衫(棉) EnglishPolo Shirt (cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110201000
Japaneseポロシャツ(人造繊維) ChinesePOLO衫(人造纤维) EnglishPolo Shirt (man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6110301000
Japanese Chinese书籍 EnglishBook Examples of HS codes and sub codes4901990000
Japanese盆栽 Chinese盆栽 EnglishBonsai Examples of HS codes and sub codes0602909910
Japaneseポンチョ(合成繊維) Chinese雨披 EnglishPoncho Examples of HS codes and sub codes6114300000
Japaneseマイク Chinese麦克风 EnglishMicrophone Examples of HS codes and sub codes8518100090
Japaneseマウス Chinese鼠标 English(Computer) Mouse Examples of HS codes and sub codes8471607000
Japaneseマウスパッド Chinese鼠标垫 EnglishMousepad Examples of HS codes and sub codes6307909899
Japaneseマウスピース(楽器) Chinese吹口(乐器用) EnglishMouthpiece Examples of HS codes and sub codes9209997000
Japaneseマカダミアナッツ Chinese夏威夷果 EnglishMacadamia Nuts Examples of HS codes and sub codes0802610000
Japaneseマカロン Chinese马卡龙 EnglishMacaron Examples of HS codes and sub codes1905908000
Japanese Chinese EnglishFirewood Examples of HS codes and sub codes4401120000
Japaneseマグカップ Chinese马克杯 EnglishMug Examples of HS codes and sub codes6911100090
Japaneseまくら Chinese枕头 EnglishPillow Examples of HS codes and sub codes9404909000
Japaneseマシュマロ Chinese棉花糖 EnglishMarshmallow Examples of HS codes and sub codes1704909911
Japaneseマスカラ Chinese睫毛膏 EnglishMascara Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304200000
Japaneseマスキングテープ Chinese美纹纸胶带 EnglishMasking tape Examples of HS codes and sub codes4821109000
Japaneseマスク Chinese口罩 EnglishMask Examples of HS codes and sub codes6307909320
Japaneseマスタード Chinese芥子末 EnglishMustard Examples of HS codes and sub codes2103309010
Japanese抹茶 Chinese抹茶 EnglishPowdered Green Tea Examples of HS codes and sub codes0902200000
Japanese抹茶パウダー Chinese抹茶粉 EnglishGreen Tea Powder Examples of HS codes and sub codes2101209899
Japaneseマット Chinese垫子 EnglishMat Examples of HS codes and sub codes9404299000
Japaneseマットレス Chinese床垫 EnglishMattress Examples of HS codes and sub codes9404299000
Japaneseまな板(木製) Chinese砧板(木制) EnglishChopping Board (wood) Examples of HS codes and sub codes4419110000
Japaneseまな板(プラスチック製) Chinese砧板(塑料制) EnglishChopping Board (plastic) Examples of HS codes and sub codes3924100090
Japanese【原則引受不可】マニキュア Chinese【原则上无法受理】指甲油 English【Not acceptable in general】Nail Polish Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304300000
Japaneseマフラー(絹) Chinese围巾(丝绸) EnglishScarf (silk) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6214100090
Japaneseマフラー(羊毛) Chinese围巾(羊毛) EnglishScarf (wool) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6214200090
Japaneseマフラー(合成繊維) Chinese围巾(合成纤维) EnglishScarf (synthetic fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6214300090
Japaneseマフラー(綿) Chinese围巾(棉) EnglishScarf (cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6214900019
Japaneseマフラー(その他繊維素材) Chinese围巾(其他纤维材料) EnglishScarf (other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6214900099
Japanese眉墨 Chinese眉粉 EnglishEyebrow Pencil Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304200000
Japaneseマヨネーズ Chinese蛋黄酱 EnglishMayonnaise Examples of HS codes and sub codes2103909089
Japaneseマラカス Chinese沙锤 EnglishMaracas Examples of HS codes and sub codes9206000000
Japaneseまんが雑誌 Chinese漫画杂志 EnglishCartoon Magazine Examples of HS codes and sub codes4902900000
Japaneseまんが本 Chinese漫画书 EnglishComic Book Examples of HS codes and sub codes4901990000
Japanese饅頭 Chinese包子 EnglishSweet Bun Examples of HS codes and sub codes1901909990
Japaneseマンドリン Chinese曼陀林 EnglishMandolin Examples of HS codes and sub codes9202908000
Japanese万年筆 Chinese钢笔 EnglishFountain Pen Examples of HS codes and sub codes9608300000
Japaneseみかん Chinese橘子 EnglishMandarin Orange Examples of HS codes and sub codes0805219011
Japaneseミシン Chinese缝纫机 EnglishSewing Machine Examples of HS codes and sub codes8452101900
Japanese水着(男性用) Chinese泳衣(男式) EnglishSwimsuit (for men) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211110000
Japanese水着(女性用) Chinese泳衣(女式) EnglishSwimsuit (for women) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211120000
Japaneseみそ Chinese味噌 EnglishSoybean Paste Examples of HS codes and sub codes2104100089
Japanese味噌汁(即席) Chinese味噌汤(速食) EnglishInstant Miso Soup Examples of HS codes and sub codes2104100089
Japaneseみそ漬け Chinese味噌腌菜 EnglishMiso Pickles Examples of HS codes and sub codes2106909855
Japanese蜜蝋 Chinese蜂蜡 EnglishBeeswax Examples of HS codes and sub codes1521909900
Japaneseミニカー Chinese模型车 EnglishToy Car Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503009990
Japanese耳かき(木製) Chinese挖耳勺(木制) EnglishWooden earpick Examples of HS codes and sub codes4421999999
Japanese耳栓 Chinese耳塞 EnglishEar plugs Examples of HS codes and sub codes3926909790
Japaneseみりん Chinese味醂 EnglishSweet Sake Seasoning Examples of HS codes and sub codes2208909190
Japanese麦茶 Chinese大麦茶 EnglishBarley Tea Examples of HS codes and sub codes0902400000
Japanese眼鏡 Chinese眼镜 EnglishGlasses Examples of HS codes and sub codes9004909000
Japanese目薬 Chinese滴眼液 EnglishEye Lotion Examples of HS codes and sub codes3004900000
Japaneseメダル Chinese勋章 EnglishMedal Examples of HS codes and sub codes8306290000
Japaneseメモリーカード Chinese存储卡 EnglishMemory Card Examples of HS codes and sub codes8523519000
Japaneseメロン Chinese甜瓜 EnglishMelon Examples of HS codes and sub codes0807110000
Japanese綿糸 Chinese棉线 EnglishCotton Yarn Examples of HS codes and sub codes5604909050
Japanese明太子 Chinese明太子 EnglishSpicy Cod Roe Examples of HS codes and sub codes1604199200
Japanese綿棒 Chinese棉棒 EnglishCotton Swab Examples of HS codes and sub codes5601219000
Japaneseモイスチャークリーム Chinese保湿霜 EnglishMoisture Cream Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304990000
Japanese毛布(アクリル) Chinese毛毯(亚克力) EnglishBlanket (acrylic) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6301409099
Japanese毛布(ウール) Chinese毛毯(羊毛) EnglishBlanket (wool) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6301209090
Japanese木製の Chinese木制 EnglishWooden Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japanese模型 Chinese模型 EnglishModel Toy Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503009990
Japaneseもち Chinese年糕 EnglishRice Cake Examples of HS codes and sub codes1901909990
Japaneseモッツァレラチーズ Chinese马苏里拉奶酪 EnglishMozzarella cheese Examples of HS codes and sub codes0406103090
Japanese最中 Chinese最中饼 EnglishJapanese Wafer Examples of HS codes and sub codes1704909999
Japanese【引受不可】モバイルバッテリー Chinese【无法受理】手机电池 English【Not acceptable】Portable Battery Charger Examples of HS codes and sub codes8507600090
Japanese喪服(男性用 合成繊維) Chinese丧服(男式 合成纤维) EnglishMourning Clothes (for men, synthetic fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6203238000
Japanese喪服(男性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese丧服(男式 其他纤维材料) EnglishMourning Clothes (for men, other textile materials Examples of HS codes and sub codes6203299000
Japanese喪服(女性用 合成繊維) Chinese丧服(女式 合成纤维) EnglishMourning Clothes (for women, synthetic fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6204238000
Japanese喪服(女性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese丧服(女式 其他纤维材料) EnglishMourning Clothes (for women, other textile materia Examples of HS codes and sub codes6204299090
Japaneseももひき(男性用 綿) Chinese股引(日式细筒裤、秋裤、棉裤)(男式 棉) EnglishLong Underwear (for men, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6207110000
Japaneseももひき(男性用 人造繊維) Chinese股引(日式细筒裤、秋裤、棉裤)(男式 人造纤维) EnglishLong Underwear (for men, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6107120000
Japaneseももひき(男性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese股引(日式细筒裤、秋裤、棉裤)(男式 其他纤维材料) EnglishLong Underwear (for men, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6207190000
Japaneseももひき(女性用 綿) Chinese股引(日式细筒裤、秋裤、棉裤)(女式 棉) EnglishLong Underwear (for women, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6108210000
Japaneseももひき(女性用 人造繊維) Chinese股引(日式细筒裤、秋裤、棉裤)(女式 人造纤维) EnglishLong Underwear (for women, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6108220000
Japaneseももひき(女性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese股引(日式细筒裤、秋裤、棉裤)(女式 其他纤维材料) EnglishLong Underwear (for women, other textile materials Examples of HS codes and sub codes6108290000
Japaneseやかん Chinese水壶 EnglishKettle Examples of HS codes and sub codes7323990090
Japanese焼き菓子 Chinese烘焙糕点 EnglishBaked Sweets Examples of HS codes and sub codes1905908000
Japanese野菜ジュース Chinese蔬菜汁 EnglishVegetable Juice Examples of HS codes and sub codes2009905990
Japaneseやすり Chinese锉刀 EnglishFile Examples of HS codes and sub codes8203100000
JapaneseUSBメモリ(フラッシュドライブ) ChineseUSB闪存盘 EnglishUSB Flash Drive Examples of HS codes and sub codes8523519000
Japanese浴衣(男性用 綿) Chinese浴衣(男式 棉) EnglishLight Kimono Costume (for men, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211329000
Japanese浴衣(男性用 人造繊維) Chinese浴衣(男式 人造纤维) EnglishLight Kimono Costume (for men, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211339000
Japanese浴衣(男性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese浴衣(男式 其他纤维材料) EnglishLight Kimono Costume (for men, other textile mater Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211390090
Japanese浴衣(女性用 綿) Chinese浴衣(女式 棉) EnglishLight Kimono Costume (for women, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211429000
Japanese浴衣(女性用 人造繊維) Chinese浴衣(女式 人造纤维) EnglishLight Kimono Costume (for women, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211439000
Japanese浴衣(女性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese浴衣(女式 其他纤维材料) EnglishLight Kimono Costume (for women, other textile mat Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211490000
Japanese柚子胡椒 Chinese柚子胡椒粉 EnglishCitrus Pepper Examples of HS codes and sub codes0904120000
Japanese油性マーカー Chinese油性记号笔 EnglishOil-based marker Examples of HS codes and sub codes9608200000
Japaneseゆたんぽ Chinese热水袋 EnglishHot Water Bottle Examples of HS codes and sub codes7323990090
Japaneseユニフォーム(男性用 人造繊維) Chinese制服(男式 人造纤维) EnglishUniform (for men, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211339000
Japaneseユニフォーム(男性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese制服(男式 其他纤维材料) EnglishUniform (for men, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211390090
Japaneseユニフォーム(女性用 人造繊維) Chinese制服(女式 人造纤维) EnglishUniform (for women, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211439000
Japaneseユニフォーム(女性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese制服(女式 其他纤维材料) EnglishUniform (for women, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211490000
Japaneseゆのみ Chinese茶碗 EnglishTea bowl Examples of HS codes and sub codes6911100090
Japanese指輪 Chinese戒指 EnglishRing Examples of HS codes and sub codes7113190000
Japanese柚餅子 Chinese柚子饼 EnglishSweet Dumpling Examples of HS codes and sub codes1704909999
Japaneseヨーヨー Chinese溜溜球 EnglishYo-Yo Toy Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503009990
Japanese酔い止め Chinese防晕药 EnglishMotion Sickness Medicine Examples of HS codes and sub codes3004900000
Japaneseようかん Chinese羊羹 EnglishRed-Bean Jelly Examples of HS codes and sub codes1704909999
Japanese容器 Chinese容器 EnglishContainer Examples of HS codes and sub codes3923109090
Japaneseヨガマット Chinese瑜伽垫 EnglishYoga Mats Examples of HS codes and sub codes9506919000
Japaneseらーめん Chinese拉面 EnglishRamen Noodle Examples of HS codes and sub codes1902301030
Japaneseラインストーン(ガラス製) Chinese莱茵石(玻璃制) EnglishRhinestones (glass) Examples of HS codes and sub codes7018101990
Japaneseラインストーン(プラスチック製) Chinese莱茵石(塑料制) EnglishRhinestones (plastic) Examples of HS codes and sub codes3926909790
Japaneseラグ Chinese地毯 EnglishRug Examples of HS codes and sub codes5701109000
Japaneseラケット Chinese球拍 EnglishRacket Examples of HS codes and sub codes9506590000
Japaneseラジエーター(自動車) Chinese散热器 EnglishVehicle radiator Examples of HS codes and sub codes8708913590
Japaneseラジオ Chinese收音机 EnglishRadio Examples of HS codes and sub codes8527120000
Japaneseラジコンカー Chinese遥控车 EnglishRadio-Controlled Car Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503009990
Japaneseラジコン飛行機 Chinese遥控飞机 EnglishRadio-Controlled Plane Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503009990
Japaneseラッシュガード(男性用) Chinese防磨衣(男士) EnglishRash guard (for men) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211110000
Japaneseラッシュガード(女性用) Chinese防磨衣(女士) EnglishRash guard (for women) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211120000
Japaneseラップ Chinese保鲜膜 EnglishPlastic Wrap Examples of HS codes and sub codes3924100090
Japaneseラバーマスコット Chinese橡胶挂件 EnglishRubber Mascot Examples of HS codes and sub codes9503009990
Japaneseランタン(電気式) Chinese提灯 EnglishLantern (electric) Examples of HS codes and sub codes9405499090
Japaneseランチボックス Chinese午餐盒 EnglishLunchbox Examples of HS codes and sub codes3924100090
Japaneseランプ(電気式) Chinese EnglishLamp (electric) Examples of HS codes and sub codes8513100000
Japaneseリール(釣具) Chinese渔轮 EnglishFishing Reel Examples of HS codes and sub codes9507300000
Japaneseリチウム電池なし Chinese无锂离子电池 EnglishWithout Lithium Battery Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japaneseリップクリーム Chinese润唇膏 EnglishLip Balm Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304100000
Japanese離乳食 Chinese婴儿辅食 EnglishBaby Food Examples of HS codes and sub codes1901100000
Japaneseリュックサック Chinese旅行背包 EnglishBackpack Examples of HS codes and sub codes4202929190
Japanese緑茶 Chinese绿茶 EnglishGreen Tea Examples of HS codes and sub codes0902100000
Japaneseりんご Chinese苹果 EnglishApple Examples of HS codes and sub codes0808108090
Japaneseリンス Chinese护发素 EnglishHair Rinse Examples of HS codes and sub codes3305900000
Japaneseルーター Chinese路由器 EnglishRouter Examples of HS codes and sub codes8517699000
Japaneseルアー(釣具) Chinese假鱼饵 EnglishFishing Lure Examples of HS codes and sub codes9507900000
Japaneseレーズン Chinese葡萄干 EnglishRaisin Examples of HS codes and sub codes0806203090
Japanese冷却ジェルシート Chinese冷却凝胶贴 EnglishCooling gel sheet Examples of HS codes and sub codes3824999699
Japanese冷蔵庫 Chinese冰箱 EnglishRefrigerator Examples of HS codes and sub codes8418219190
Japaneseレインコート(男性用) Chinese雨衣(男式) EnglishRaincoat (for men) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6201401019
Japaneseレインコート(女性用) Chinese雨衣(女式) EnglishRaincoat (for women) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6202401019
Japaneseレオタード(男性用 人造繊維) Chinese高叉连体衣(男式 人造纤维) EnglishLeotard (for men, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211339000
Japaneseレオタード(男性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese高叉连体衣(男式 其他纤维材料) EnglishLeotard (for men, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211390090
Japaneseレオタード(女性用 人造繊維) Chinese高叉连体衣(女式 人造纤维) EnglishLeotard (for women, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211439000
Japaneseレオタード(女性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese高叉连体衣(女式 其他纤维材料) EnglishLeotard (for women, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6211490000
Japaneseレギュレータ(自動車) Chinese调节器(汽车部件) EnglishVehicle regulator Examples of HS codes and sub codes8481109990
Japaneseレコード Chinese唱片 EnglishRecord Examples of HS codes and sub codes8523809000
Japaneseレターオープナー Chinese拆信刀 EnglishLetter opener Examples of HS codes and sub codes8214100000
Japaneseレターセット Chinese信纸信封套装 EnglishLetterset Examples of HS codes and sub codes4817300000
Japanese○○のレトルト食品 Chinese〇〇蒸煮袋食品 EnglishRetort Food/○○ Examples of HS codes and sub codes-
Japaneseレンズ Chinese透镜 EnglishLens Examples of HS codes and sub codes9002110090
Japaneseローション Chinese润肤露 EnglishLotion Examples of HS codes and sub codes3304990000
Japaneseローファー(24cm未満) Chinese乐福鞋(不足24cm) EnglishLoafer Shoes (less than 24 cm) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6403999190
Japaneseローファー(24cm以上) Chinese乐福鞋(24cm(含)以上) EnglishLoafer Shoes (more than 24 cm) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6403999390
Japaneseろうそく Chinese蜡烛 EnglishCandle Examples of HS codes and sub codes3406000000
Japaneseロンパース Chinese连体衣 EnglishRompers Examples of HS codes and sub codes6111909090
Japaneseワイシャツ(男性用 綿) Chinese衬衫(男式 棉) EnglishShirt (for men, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6205200090
Japaneseワイシャツ(男性用 人造繊維) Chinese衬衫(男式 人造纤维) EnglishShirt (for men, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6205300000
Japaneseワイシャツ(男性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese衬衫(男式 其他纤维材料) EnglishShirt (for men, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6205908090
Japaneseワイシャツ(女性用 綿) Chinese衬衫(女式 棉) EnglishShirt (for women, cotton) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6206300090
Japaneseワイシャツ(女性用 人造繊維) Chinese衬衫(女式 人造纤维) EnglishShirt (for women, man-made fibers) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6206400000
Japaneseワイシャツ(女性用 その他繊維素材) Chinese衬衫(女式 其他纤维材料) EnglishShirt (for women, other textile materials) Examples of HS codes and sub codes6206909000
JapaneseWi-Fiルーター Chinese无线路由器 EnglishWi-Fi Router Examples of HS codes and sub codes8517699000
Japaneseワイヤー Chinese电线 EnglishWire Examples of HS codes and sub codes7312102000
Japaneseワイン Chinese葡萄酒 EnglishWine Examples of HS codes and sub codes2204210900
Japaneseワイングラス Chinese红酒杯 EnglishWine Glass Examples of HS codes and sub codes7013229000
Japanese和菓子 Chinese日式糕点 EnglishJapanese Sweet Examples of HS codes and sub codes1704909999
Japaneseわかめ Chinese裙带菜 EnglishSeaweed Examples of HS codes and sub codes1212210000
Japanese輪ゴム Chinese橡皮筋 EnglishElastic band Examples of HS codes and sub codes4016999790
Japaneseわさび Chinese芥末 EnglishJapanese Horseradish Examples of HS codes and sub codes2103909089
Japanese和紙 Chinese和纸 EnglishJapanese Paper Examples of HS codes and sub codes4802100000
Japanese和太鼓のバチ Chinese日本和太鼓槌 EnglishJapanese drumsticks Examples of HS codes and sub codes9209997000
Japaneseワッフル Chinese华夫饼 EnglishWaffle Examples of HS codes and sub codes1905329900