Filling Out the Label What is the HS code for the EMS Label? |
HS code is a 6-digit code adopted for the purpose of unifying names and classes of goods traded internationally. It represents a number defined in the Export Statistical Schedule, which is used to classify import cargo based on the tariff classification numbering system.
When an item from Japan undergoes export or import clearance procedures, the HS code in the customs notification and Electronic Advance Data helps the customs officer to easily confirm the customs taxation rate, which shortens the processing time.
It is not necessary to fill in the HS code on the label, but if the label does not have an HS code, the item may in some cases be delayed or returned to sender. Specifically, when sending articles with a declarable value, such as goods, to some countries in Europe, if the HS codes are not included in EAD, the destination customs may deem the EAD information deficient and the item may be delayed in clearing customs or returned to the sender. To help ensure that items are not delayed or returned, please be sure to provide accurate HS codes for your item in the International Mail My Page Service.
Some EU countries require transmission of CN codes (8-digit codes consisting of the universal 6-digit HS codes and EU-local 2-digit subclass codes) or TARIC codes (10-digit codes consisting of the universal 6-digit HS codes and EU-local 4-digit subclass codes). For the details, please check here.
You can find the list of HS codes and sub codes (CN code and TARIC code) for items frequently sent on our web site.
Japanese-English / Chinese-English translation of item names, HS codes and sub codes (CN code and TARIC code)
If you would like to find a specific HS code, you can find it on the following Japan Customs web site:
Item Classification Page
Tariff Classification Search Page
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