F |
Falkland (Malvinas)*Please check the latest status of suspension of mail service by Japan Post. |
Federated States of Micronesia*Please check the latest status of suspension of mail service by Japan Post. |
Fiji,(Fidji)*Please check the latest status of suspension of mail service by Japan Post. |
Finland,(Finlande) |
France(Corsica, Andorra, Mayotte)*(ガドループ、仏領ギアナ、マルチニーク、レユニオン、サンピエール及びミクロン、ニュー・カレドニア、仏領ポリネシア、ワリス及びフツナ並びに南極におけるフランスの地域を除く。) |
French Guiana,(Guyane Française)*Please check the latest status of suspension of mail service by Japan Post. |
French Polynesia,(Polynésie Française)*Please check the latest status of suspension of mail service by Japan Post. |
French Southern and Antarctic Territories,(Terres australes et antarctiques francaises) |
G |
Gabon |
Gambia,(Gambie)*Please check the latest status of suspension of mail service by Japan Post. |
Georgia,(Géorgie) |
Germany,(Allemagne) |
Ghana*Please check the latest status of suspension of mail service by Japan Post. |
Gibraltar*Please check the latest status of suspension of mail service by Japan Post. |
Greece,(Grèce) |
Greenland,(Groenland) |
Grenada,(Grenade)*Please check the latest status of suspension of mail service by Japan Post. |
Guadeloupe(St-Barthélémy及びSt-Martinを含む。)*Please check the latest status of suspension by Japan Post. |
Guatemala,(Guatémala)*Please check the latest status of suspension of mail service by Japan Post. |
Guinea,(Guinée) |
Guinea-Bissau,(Guinée-Bissau)*Please check the latest status of suspension of mail service by Japan Post. |
Guyana,(Guyane)*Please check the latest status of suspension of mail service by Japan Post. |
H |
Haiti (Haïti)*Please check the latest status of suspension of mail service by Japan Post. |
Honduras*Please check the latest status of suspension of mail service by Japan Post. |
Hong Kong,(Hong-Kong) |
Hungary,(Hongrie) |
I |
Iceland,(Islande)*Please check the latest status of suspension of mail service by Japan Post. |
Independent State of Samoa |
India,(Inde) |
Indonesia,(Indonésie) |
Iran*Please check the latest status of suspension of mail service by Japan Post. |
Iraq*Please check the latest status of suspension of mail service by Japan Post. |
Ireland(Irlande) |
Israel, (Israel)*Please check the latest status of suspension of mail service by Japan Post. |
Italy,(Italie) |
J |
Jamaica,(Jamaïque)*Please check the latest status of suspension of mail service by Japan Post. |
Jordan,(Jordanie) |