International Mail My page ServiceFAQ |
Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about the International Mail My Page service.
Here are some frequently asked questions and answers about the Internatilnal Mail My Page service.
- What is the International Mail My Page service?
- What steps need to be taken to use the International Mail My Page Service?
- I registered, but I haven't received an email yet.
- After registering as a member, I didn't check my email right away.
- After registering as a member, I clicked on the URL in the confirmation email, but I cannot complete the registration. (The top page of My Page Service is displayed.)
- Are there any differences between "individual customer" and "corporate customer"?
- I mistakenly registered as a corporate member. Can I change to an individual member?
- I do not know whether the registration was completed because an error message occurred.
- I have already registered for the PC version. If I use the smartphone version, do I need to register again?
- When I input my email address to register, I receive the error message, "This email address has been registered."
- What should I do to remove my personal details?
Specified Pouch
Creating a label
- What can I do with the Online Shipping Tool?
- How do I use International Mail My Page Service?
- Can I write labels in languages other than English?
- What is the difference between commercial and non-commercial?
- I use International Mail My Page Service on my iPad, but I cannot print out a label.
- What is "Planned Shipment," and what is it for?
- What is "Shipping History," and what is it for?
- The dispatch information in "Shipping History" won't refresh.
- Does it matter what size and color of paper I use to print on?
- What kind of printer can I use?
- I want to import data into (or export it from) the contents list.
- Can I use a copy of the printed shipping label?
- I would like to create labels with my PC, but I don't have a printer.
- I made a mistake in printing out the shipping label. Can I print it out again?
- I want to check the content of a shipping label I printed before.
- I want to create a new shipping label using old data.
- I can't add to the address book or contents list.
- The information that I registered as recipient seems to have been registered as sender.
- What about the Customs consignment form that also gets printed out?
- Please tell me more about the dispatch form.
- How long are the created labels effective?
- Do I have to enter the weight of each item and the total weight of the contents?
- Can I create multiple labels at one time when sending multiple items?
- What is the HS code? Do I have to enter it?
- After printing the labels, I realized that I had entered the wrong HS codes. Is it possible to fix the codes by hand?
- When will the EAD be sent overseas?
- Even though multiple HS codes have been entered when creating labels for Small Packets, Printed Matter, etc., only one of the HS codes will actually be printed. Are all the other HS codes being transmitted?
- I have entered the HS codes via smartphone, but they have not been printed on the label issues with "Yu-pri Touch". Are all the other HS codes I have entered being transmitted?
- I can't print the label. There is no printer icon.
- I created a label, but I decided not to send any package. What should I do? Should I delete the EAD?
- I want to check whether I am able to send the items to the destination.
- Can I create labels for letters?
- What does "Other" in the "Letters/Other" shipping type refer to?
- Do I have to prepare an invoice or customs declaration? Can I use my own invoice?
- You cannot choose SAL. Some shipping types cannot be selected.
- I want to enter in Chinese.
- There is an umlaut that cannot be written in the alphabet at the delivery address.
- An error message, "Please use half-size character English", is displayed.
- Can I fix it after printing out the label?
- I want to correct the scheduled shipping date.
- The words "See the attached document" are printed on the shipping label but some contents that I registered are not printed out.
- Can I enter an overseas address in the sender's address field?
- I would like to send mail items to countries requiring number information such as a tax identification number, a passport number or a registration number. Which field are these numbers entered in?
Preparing for shipping
Smartphone Version
- When I try to enter the addressee's address on my smartphone, an error message is displayed such as "One line is too long.", "There are too many lines." or "Input information is too long."
- Where can I find out which post offices are equipped with a Yu-pri touch terminal?
- Can I print labels using a terminal installed in a convenience store?
- How can I enter HS codes on the smartphone version of International Mail My Page service?
- I tapped the Back button to correct data while creating a label with my smartphone, and an error message was displayed saying “A system error occurred”. All the data were delated and the screen returned to the home page. Do I have to enter the information again from the beginning?
After shipping
- I want to check the status of my parcel after mailing it.
- I did not receive any Delivery status email.
- I would like to review the labels I created with the smartphone version, but they cannot be displayed on the PC version. Can I check the data I entered with the smartphone version on the PC version?
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